Oct 01, 2007 04:23
I can't get to sleep. probably because last night I went to bed at 4:30 and woke up today at 2:00. the past few hours I have been wrestling with myself over whether I should have a late-night snack, specifically, Newman-O's (the mint variety) that I bought this afternoon. I know it's not a good idea to eat sweets so late, and these cookies aren't even that good. when I was deliberating over whether to buy them (I wanted some type of cookie, to fill the newly opened void of leaving my job at the cookie bakery), I seemed to recall some former misgivings about these Newman-Os, but my common sense argued: they're mint and made by Paul Newman! they were also one of the cheaper options among many packages of gourmet cookies that cost four dollars and up. as soon as I ate one at home I remembered immediately why I'd disliked them before: the cookie to frosting ratio is awful. you are left with a mouthful of mucky chocolate cookie and a slight mint flavor to remind you of the quickly departed icing. Doublestuf Oreos are my favorite cookie. I love them so much that I forget that there is also a variety of Oreos that are not doublestuf-ed, and that all the competing chocolate sandwich cookies that have emerged in Oreos' wake are modelled after this "singlestuf" version. a further confusing circumstance is that the mint-flavored Oreos only come in the Doublestuf variety, and I mistakenly assumed that the mint Newman-Os would follow suit as well as give me the satisfaction that Paul Newman was donating a portion of my purchase to charity. well, I finally gave in and ate one. even after having a few earlier tonight I still expected them to taste better than they were. and even though I was slightly disappointed (again) I still had to eat two. this led me to thoughts about late-night snacking in general, namely that in terms of satisfaction it is a lose-lose game; there is no correct portion of snacks that will leave you exactly satisfied. usually you eat too much and then go to bed feeling yucky and guilty. but as soon as the idea of late-night snacking enters your head you are decidedly unsatisfied until you eat much of your desired snack. at least that's how I feel, as anyone who's observed my penchant for late-night fast food will attest. all in all, I am feeling unsatisfied by the quantity of my cookie snack, but do not look forward to the poor quality that awaits me should I decide to snack further. I hope you are faring better than me at this moment.