It Is Always A Fragment Of An Imagination

Jul 29, 2007 00:26

So my Dad called the kid up. The kid said he was trying to turn into the same parking area as I was. Now, when i first started talking with the kid, making casual conversation after the accident, I asked him where he was going and he said downtown. Interesting how that turns out. In the drivers handbook, you can apparently drive in the bike lane a certain distance if there is a driveway there. I am sure the kid saw this in the book, and changed his story to match. He also said that I had come to a complete stop. When i spoke with him after the accident, he said I had merely slowed down.

Now my dis-use of a blinker was that after the turn was completed, the shaft reset itself in the neutral position, in which i had needed to initiate the right hand turn imediatley afterwards, so flipping it to the right blinker would have required alot of dexterity and a new car. My turn signal shaft requires a bit of effort to turn, as it needs to physically push inside components out of the way to flip other switches.

As I was making the turn, his vehicle was not in sight of my mirrors, do due the angle of the turn and his apparent location in conjunction to my vehicle. The second option is that he was not behind me, and had sped to get through the light in time. Now his vehicles profile is small, so when i looked to my right after completing the turn, his vehicle was not visible. Or again, he wasn't even there yet. As i initiated the final turn to the right, into the parking lot, i turned the wheel and then the accident happened.

I drew up a diagram of what it would have been like if the kid was riding my tail the whole time. I illustrated my mirrors view range and accounted for his vehicles small profile. In each phase, he is clearly out of the line of sight of my mirrors. If he was speeding, he would never be in my mirrors at all.

This is where it gets tricky. As the days go on, our memory of the event changes. Which is kinda good because the livejournal will prove when I posted certain bits of information and at what times. So they know my first post was at night of the accident. Also I have picture evidence. He lacks both of these things. But that doesn't mean I am out of the clear.

He is placing the blame on me with the example of me not using a turn signal, and that he was going for the same destination. the destination is a new thing.

I am placing his blame on speeding, wreckless driving, accident avoidence, bike lane driving, passing on the right. Again, just because he has more doesn't mean I am in the clear.

Boy does this suck. I feel that most of this points to me being safe, but with insurance companies who knows. I am afraid of going to court and getting drilled. I don't know how well my constitution would hold up against and onslought of brutal questions.

I am overworked, slightly stressed, trying to save myself from getting blamed on the accident, and tired. I should prolly go to bed, I have work in the morning.
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