3rd Year of uni begins

Sep 26, 2008 20:06

I know I haven't updated in a while, but here's what's been going on recently...

I've started my final year of uni this week and still have no idea what to do for my dissertation. ^_^
As for my other coursework, I've got to make a trailer and a .... well trailer...

As for home, my 360 has taken ill and is currently in Frankfurt being repaired. For some reason nothing was showing up on the screen.

Other recent breakages:
*Modem - Our old modem couldn't handle the firmware update and so was running slower than dial up, so Virgin had to replace it.
*Dish Washer - The waste pump gave up and isn't worth fixing...
*My bed - Apart from sinking into the mattress whenever I lay on it, the frame was slightly broken so i was sleeping on a slight slant, so I got a new one.
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