"If the FBI really is tapping our phones, I think they just hung up on us."

May 15, 2011 15:10

Graduation pictures soon, I promise! But not posting them right now because right now the only school topic that matters is this is Gina's last week of classes and I want everyone to send her good vibes and good luck for them. <33

So apparently someone in Idaho tried to use my credit card number? O.o They charged a dollar. A single dollar. Lolwut. Why even steal a credit card number just to charge a dollar? (Where did they even get my number in the first place?!) Although I guess it might have been someone testing the number to see if it would work. Either way, the bank declined it and canceled my card and are sending me a new one. The whole thing is kind of a bitch though because I'm probably going to have to order my fabric for my Miiko shirt online (more about that in a second), and now I have to wait a week for my new card before I can order it. >.<

I got ambitious this weekend and decided to clean out my cedar chest. This thing is basically full of all my notebooks and stuff from middle/high school. Oh lawd, the stuff I found. xD Some of it was awesome (I found my old angle math project where I Yugioh-ified the project. I'm gonna scan it in and post it. =D) and some of it was hilarious, like I found this whole page of stick-figure Cheys killing some girl named Melissa in ten different ways. I...seriously don't even remember who Melissa is or why I wanted to kill her. xD And pretty much everything from Parenting Class was hilarious. And some of it was just so embarrassing, like the majority of my assignments for 9th grade creative writing. Seriously, the fact that the teacher didn't report me as a psycho is a miracle. I did essays talking about my other personalities and how one of those personalities liked to blow stuff up and carry around guns and whatnot. (I also used to doodle mushroom clouds on the edges of my math papers and scrawl Bakura-esque quotes on my notebooks, like "I desire to plunge the world into darkness >DDD" because I was obsessed with Bakura back then. The fact that I didn't get accused of the bomb scares we had is a miracle.) I'm probably 3/4 of the way through the chest. I'm hoping to finish cleaning it today (since tonight is garbage night. I've already filled three bags with stuff to put out.) but honestly all I want to do right now is write Brewdening Love fanfiction. ^^; I found a lot of old fanart too. I kept some of it and tossed some. I think I might scan in the ones I kept and do a "look at 14-17 year-old-Chey's art! 8D" post.

As for the fabric situation, I've been running around with the craft store for awhile on this. Back in April I went in and told them what fabric I needed. They said they would be doing an order in a week and would put it in. So I waited two weeks to give them time and went back in to ask. They said they hadn't unpacked everything yet and to wait another week. So I did and went back in last week on Tuesday. They said it was in box 38, but they couldn't find box 38. I went back on Wednesday. Still no box 38, but Norma said that the boss would be calling the shipping people to ask what happened and to check in later, SO I went back on Friday. The boss was there but he was really unhelpful. He was just like, "I dunno, we can't find the box. Nothing I can do."

Okay...look, I understand retail problems, I really do. I understand boxes going missing, or not having what the shipping people promised, or being an employee who nobody tells anything to. I absolutely understand that and I'm not going to yell at them and I resolved to be patient no matter what. But I'm getting kind of annoyed now. Not at Norma, because she really did try to help. She opened all the boxes in the fabric area to look for it, she checked the shipping manifesto, she at least showed that she cared. Even the other employee there on Friday was looking around for other boxes that might have been missed and that technically wasn't even his job but he was still trying. I'm kind of mad at the boss though because he acted like he didn't even care. He just sat there like, "yeah, we don't know where it is. Oh well." He even seemed annoyed at me when I said that I have a deadline and really need that fabric soon. Uh, I'm sorry for being a customer and trying to spend money in your store dude?

I left my name and number in case they do find the box, but I'm going to try to find the fabric someplace else. Maybe online (there are some fabric websites linked at Cosplay.com) or if I can find sheets in the right color I'll use those. I'm mad at the boss of the craft store and I'm not going to wait. (Except now I kind of have to wait if I find it online since I have to wait on a new credit card or use my debit which I don't like to do. Although I guess I'll have to do that now for gas. >.<)

1. Your favorite character
2. Your least favorite character
3. Character you’d date
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with
5. Character you’d like as your child
6. Character who would probably be your rival
7. Character you have most in common with
8. Character you look like the most
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents
11. Character you’d become best friends with
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu
13. Character you’d go camping with
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with
15. Character you’d want to cook for you
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you
17. Your OTP
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG
22. Another OTP of yours
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band

26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss:
I'm trying to think of series I read where people work regular jobs...xD Uh...I guess it would be kind of awesome if Yukari owned a business, because she's so impulsive and crazy I bet she'd let me yell at rude customers all I wanted and take extra long breaks and stuff.

Remaining Days:
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as
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