Merlin wallpaper ( an old one-1024x768)

Mar 26, 2010 12:59

Today's little surprise: LJ changes its banner.(I love green~)

The wallpaper I made before reminds me some interesting things in Merlin episode: the witchfinder. 
While grinning, I ask myself  why I added these three sentenses in this lack-of-skill Merlin wallpaper.  Whether I was about to write a drabble, or actually want to tell the subtext I read from the recaps on the left side?

Merlin's facial reaction in the episode originally appeared when he casted a spell which made a thread of smoke deformed into a unicorn. He appriciated what his gift showed him, though he had to hind it because of the prohibition in Camelot.

Okay, that's for usual parts of the audience, not for our slash fangirls.*LOL*
As a corrupted person, I'm a Arthur/Merlin or Merlin/Arthur shipper. this wallpaper suggests me that at the beginning of this fandom, I think, Arthur/Merlin was prior to the Merlin/Arthur one in my mind. Merlin baby is often regarded as a sensitive, girlish guy by me at that time--


(Arthur came to Merlin and said something.)
Merlin: You invite me tonight?
(Maybe Arthur pursuaded him something.)
Merlin: Um...Let me see if I...
(Seeing Merlin's hesitation, Arthur turned around and went away.)
Merlin: Hey Arthur! I haven't said anything!
(Merlin was willing to go but he pretended to be a "lady", then...he lost the happy night with Arthur.)

Now, You read the further indication from the racaps? *LOL*
First recap: Merlin throwed a lured look to Arthur. Inside, he felt happy when he heard Arthur's invitation.
Second recap:  Lost his thought and waited Arthur's strong order,"You must obey me. "
Third recap: Disappointed when he saw Arthur failed to understand his reserved manner.

Just my flight of fancy. No offense is intended to cause.

slash, tv:merlin

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