Someone Told Me Long Ago There’s A Calm Before The Storm, I Know; It’s Been Coming For Some Time

Feb 11, 2008 23:15

Alright, well I’m finally in a little better state of mind than I was in the last entry.

I don’t want to be an English major anymore because I’m yet to have a good class/teacher that didn’t make me want to die every second I was in the class… But I think I’ll enjoy teaching it when I get to choose the materials… So I’m going to stick with it... Plus, if I want to teach and not be in school until 2012 pursuing another major and student teaching, I have no other choice. My current presentation that I’m doing for Renaissance is lack luster, but eh maybe I’ll surprise myself. Nothing I can do but be optimistic, right? Right… *grumbles slightly*

On the photography front, I have a potential wedding to shoot! Beckie’s parents are renewing their vows in the middle/end of June and her mom wants me to be the photographer. EEK! I told Beckie I’d do it, assuming I’m not in Rome, but that’s daunting! I’m going to have to talk to Sarah and see how her wedding shoot went… See if I can borrow her flash or if she knows someone… Man I’m nervous, but what a great opportunity! Plus, her mom said she’d pay me since she’s sure I’ll be way cheaper than any professional… And since most wedding photographers are about $600 at the absolute cheapest, I think around $300 would be fair to charge, right? The price of prints is included in that? Oy, I dunno, but I’m really hoping I’m home by then.

OH also oh the photography front my prints faired well in critique Thursday, let’s hope my grade reflects that.

Man my media player is playing songs that I haven’t heard in forever and quite frankly forgot I owned, but are really good. For example, right now its “Ordinary” by Train from the spider-man 2 soundtrack, and before that it was “Other Side of the World” by KT Turnstall and before that it was “Remedy” by Jason Mraz. Good job media player keep it up!

Market 820 now carries Ben & Jerry’s ice cream! Only they don’t have Phish food… But, let me tell you, I drowned my sorrows in a half a container of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream this evening. I’ll go back to healthy life tomorrow, but as for now, man I’m so happy :-)

I think I passed my Ethics in Education exam today with flying colors. Multiple choice is my hero and optional essays are wonderful. Three cheers for doing well in a class!

Patch is officially deaf. My dad and I came in the door and his back was to us and he didn’t realize we were even there until I went to pet him and he jumped a mile high then went running, well waddling, around the house all happy we were home. Poor pup, he’s getting so old :-(.

Snoopy on the other hand decided he was not moving out of the pile of covers on my bed for love or money last night, so guess who slept mostly without covers? That’d be me. Yes, my dog rules my life… If you find that sad, don’t remind me, I’m already well aware. Maybe if I made my bed that wouldn’t have happened… who am I kidding, he’d still push me out of bed for the best spot.

Well I think I’m gonna go to bed so I can get up for drawing tomorrow and face the supposed 3-5 inches of snow that we’re to get. Joy.

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