Anto316: hello?
shmooshyface20: oh hi!
shmooshyface20: i just got here
shmooshyface20: my mom was on.
shmooshyface20: she must've escaped the "away" bov
shmooshyface20: box
shmooshyface20: uhm.
Anto316: wht up?
shmooshyface20: my computer is freaking out.
shmooshyface20: something about the a drive
shmooshyface20: parker did it.
shmooshyface20: and now i will fix it.
shmooshyface20: my mom told me she's getting you a bike helmet
Anto316: no need
Anto316: i will get one when i getto schol
shmooshyface20: i told her you wouldn't wear it.....
shmooshyface20: and she said
shmooshyface20: "Why do you want to date a stupid guy?"
shmooshyface20: cause she thinks that not wearing a helmet is stupid
Anto316: you should wear yours as well
shmooshyface20: i know.
shmooshyface20: it saved my life (or the last one did.... it got splintered in the crash
shmooshyface20: i will. you will wear one too?
Anto316: my skull is thick and my hair is strong
shmooshyface20: nope. not good enough.
shmooshyface20: i don't want Anto's splattered brains to be in my memory bank
shmooshyface20: take this quiz you will not regret it
shmooshyface20: and maybe you can refute my claims
shmooshyface20: oooh the longing got the best of me last night
shmooshyface20: i did not fall asleep until 5. Just laid there and sighed repeatedly.
shmooshyface20: "and you know it don't come easy..." that song is stuck in my head but i only know those words
shmooshyface20: hello?
Anto316: i fell asleep because i ate too much
shmooshyface20: oh.
shmooshyface20: do you belong in a zoo, my love?
Anto316: it would not load the quiz
shmooshyface20: drat and double drat.
Anto316: i think this computer is too much of a piece
shmooshyface20: i think that the quiz would make your day eight times more exciting
Anto316: it can hardly do more than one thing at a time
shmooshyface20: maybe if i get a new computer, you can take my old one to your family
shmooshyface20: it's quick
shmooshyface20: and it scarily resembles a television...the one in my room at Savanna
shmooshyface20: h
Anto316: i think my dad is getting a new one later
shmooshyface20: oh ok.
shmooshyface20: just a though
shmooshyface20: t
Anto316: your old on is pretty much a piece as well
Anto316: as far as computers go
shmooshyface20: no it's not
shmooshyface20: what what what what
shmooshyface20: you are wrong
shmooshyface20: my computer is wonderful and i remain loyal to it
Anto316: ok ok it just a machine
shmooshyface20: has a personality and feelings, too
Anto316: uh oh i think this computer is going to crash soon
shmooshyface20: NOOOOOOOO
shmooshyface20: do not leave
shmooshyface20: bop it on its plasticky box head