Nov 25, 2008 17:56
Wow, I really fell off on this. I'm up to The Nutmeg of Consolation O'Brian wise. I've also re-read Unnatural Death and I'm working on Homage to Catalonia. There might have been something else in there as well, but I'm not at home right now and I can't remember what other books I may have read since my last post.
I'm finally really working on my grand Equalizer/Callan crossover. It's really for my own amusement more than anything else, but it's just possible someone else on the world wide interwebz might also enjoy it once I get it out of the research and outline phase and into the actually writing stuff phase. Most of the scenes are plotted out and I have a timeline, but I still have some nagging research questions like the layout of a NYC post office in 1986 and where I can have a shoot out that no one will hear. I also still need to finish my re-watch of The Equalizer. Some of that is for the story -- character stuff more than plot points, because I am at the end of season 3 now and my story will take place sometime in season 2. This is mostly to avoid Harley freaking Gage and O'Phelens which are two things I really dislike about the later seasons. 88 episodes of the EQ vs. about half that number of (surviving) Callans and almost every Callan episode minus one of two (I'm not too keen on most of 215 except for the end or the last episode of season 3) is worth watching over and over even when the visual quality sucks.