Michele O'Bomber, Susan Sarandon, and Jamie Mandel

Oct 29, 2011 08:41

There's been a lot of talk lately about online pharmacy viagra insurance and health care and, in my immediate world, surgery. My sister, Michele O'Bomber, wrecked her ankle a month ago while at a Bay Area Derby scrimmage. She had very recently made the Richmond Wrecking Belles and was nice enough to fly me out to take care of her for two weeks. In that time we both realized that there is really just no alternative to having a personal nurse.

I would be interested to see a study done on the healing time and infection rate of post-op patients with home care versus those without. I bet it's ridiculous.

Here's an awesome pic of her foot after having her fibula and tibia joined together with her tendons via a plate and twelve screws.

So... what does this have to do with Susan Sarandon, you might ask? Well, I arrived home only to then escort my friend Jamie Mandel home from another oral surgery adventure.

Jamie is one of those friends who you would kill if it weren't for the fact that he's just that great. He might do things to you in public that are unforgivable. It might be really embarrassing to ride the subway with him. But when he smiles at you, even without teeth, you can hear the Golden Girls theme song playing.
I recently was at an event where Susan Sarandon spoke. No, really, that's her down there...

I was moved by her speech. Prior to this moment I looked up to her and so I'm really glad she didn't let me down. I'm hoping she wont let Jamie down either (we're not peers so that's not peer pressure, but maybe some sort of shaming component that isn't flattering for me).

I hate that we all have to struggle so hard to take care of our bodies. I hope that one day Americans will have the health care that we deserve. Until that happens, I hope that we can continue to support each other.

And while you wait for that amazing miracle to happen, watch this hysterical video of Jamie.
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