Am I crazy, or does Famke Janssen look a LOT like a young Jeanne Tripplehorn?
It's the nose, no?
I like Famke in X-Men, but I really love her because of
Love & Sex. Awesome movie, also featuring Jon Favreau.
And I like Jeanne in Big Love, but her small-time claim to fame in my heart is
'Til There Was You, also featuring Dylan McDermott (YUM). But if you rent it, make sure you get the one with an apostrophe and just one L in 'Til, because there are TWO movies called Till There Was You. An-NOY-ing.
I kind of want to see this The Lake House, even if it IS with Keanu Reeves AND Sandra Bullock. That and Click are both doing interesting things with Time. I have SUCH a great idea for a movie or book or whatever with a unique time travel thing. I don't think I've ever seen time travel handled this way. But it's only a matter of time I guess. BWAH-hahahahahaha. I'm just not really capable of producing sentences right now. And I don't imagine I ever will be.