Before I forget: Website hosting

Mar 16, 2005 16:42

This is thanks to a notice posted by dtissagirl. :D

Just in case there is anyone on my f-list who is interested in either trying out some web-hosting and a domain for a year for really cheap, or looking to try a new host for a year for really cheap, I wanted to point out this special that Dreamhost is having for part of this month (only). It's a special anniversary promotion, and some of it ends the 20th I think. If you sign up with them by then, you get triple their basic hosting package (ends up being 2400 MB storage and 120 GB bandwith--along with a free domain registration) for one year for just under $10. Yep, you get the try them for a whole year for less than $10. Definitely read all of the stuff on their product pages for details on keeping those high numbers and what their regular rates are.

I may very well transfer my current domain over to them after my time with that host is expired, but for now I went ahead and chose a new domain to try out Dreamhost. $10 was just too good to pass up. :) Plus through their offer I'd get more bandwidth than my other host for right around the same price.

Anyway, if anyone's interested here's what ya do:

-- You go here and click on the girl with the green shirt.
-- Click on the "Sign Up Now!" button under their Level 1 plan and One-year prepayment.
-- Chose a new domain or move your old one.
-- Follow their directions for choosing user names and customer info.
-- When you get to the payment page, type in 777 in the promotional code box and you'll see the price change to $9.24.

Heh, sorry for the advertisingness of this all, but since I was taking advantage of it, and I saw pastelstar say she'd used it too, it occurred to me that there might be people on my f-list that hadn't heard about it yet. Plus it's ending soon. It's not free or anything, but it is a cool offer. :) Even if they're pushing something they totally hope to get you addicted on. ;D


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