Of War and Peace and Laundry

Jul 15, 2003 21:27

Wow...been a while since I updated anything besides letters to Gerry in here.... Not that I've done anything of note recently besides work.

Today though--today was important. I caved sort of. I did one tiny load of laundry. The first laundry I've done in at least two months. It was either that, or never wear underwear again. Or at least not until Gerry gets home and my laundry-strike ends. And seeing as that will probably be at least another month and a half, and I was already bored with the no underwear thing...I was forced to compromise.

Problem was, I knew some of the underwear was under the piles of other clothes. I figured since I'd have to go through them anyway, I would put shirts in one pile, and pants in another. That wouldn't count as laundry.

But then, I realized I could take this all one step further. I could just hang up and fold all of the clothes in the piles. Then it would seem like I had done laundry, without the actual doing-of-the-laundry. I was very proud of myself.

Of course, this turned out to be more work that I had initially imagined. In my six and a half weeks of clothes-piling since the boyfriend left, it was inevitable that a few things would end up on the floor. In someone else's room, this might be a minor thing. In my room, it meant I had to spend 10 lint-roller papers just getting a pair of the boyfriend's sweatpants (black, course) de-haired enough to put in his dirty-clothes basket.

I had seen them there, on the floor under my clothes-piling-chair, slowly turning from black to a lighter and lighter gray. Sometimes I would try to nudge them further under the chair, thinking maybe that would protect them better, but I was un-moved by their pitiful little attempts to gain my pity. Especially since they weren't mine in the first place. But I showed him and his sweatpants--it wasn't my lint-roller either. *rubs hands together slowly and smiles*


I have become a sad little person without my other half. :P But, hey, no real laundry! :D

In other news, and possibly a contributor to my laundry-obsession, I have had to give up my dream of meeting the sexy attendees of valeriex's BoB convention. At least this year. I will now firmly cling to the idea of another party next summer. *clings*

On a brighter note, I was absurdly proud of myself for using the sewing machine to alter a cute little halter top I bought that was too big. Wearing it meant I had to spend most of my time staring at my chest to make sure it wasn't hanging open and putting my very modest assets on full display. Now I can wear it and even bend over if want.

Heh...now I remember why I haven't been updating this thing...

life as epic

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