Observations on buying the new Potter book at midnight...

Jun 21, 2003 02:30

Uhm...so, I like the books, and I like the movies. Not to the same crazy lengths that I like the Buffyverse, but I find them enjoyable enough. Plus, I've decided that I like being first for things--buying books, seeing movies, whatever, it can be fun. Anyway...

1.) I'd have rather been standing in line with a bunch of Buffy fans. At least, judging by the ones I've met here and on BoB. They would have talked about something fun while waiting. Something like...I dunno, porn? Or maybe food. Not how many pages they wanted to have read before they went to sleep. ;)

2.) The children reading these books must not have much time to do anything else. But sit. And read. And apparently eat. On the average, they were...well...round. I'm by no means saying that kids have to be 'skinny' or something, but like my brother said, "reading's good and all, but a little kick-ball once in while isn't a bad idea either..."

3.) Falling into this group of well-educated, sexy, funny-as-hell Buffy fans has apparently ruined me for the reality of other fandoms. I'm like, a snob now or something. Being there only made me appreciate you wonderful people even more. :)

That's pretty much it. Not as painful as having my toenails ripped out with a pliers, but not as much fun as reading my friends list...

consumerism, books

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