Art Post: BSG Gen (Kara & Laura) - "At Breaking Point" fic cover

Dec 07, 2009 16:31

Wow, this posting more often thing is easy when I magically have more things to contribute.

I signed up to do art for bsg_bigbang, and was paired up with bossanovababy24 for a lovely gen fic she wrote focusing largely on Kara and Laura during an FTL mishap that separates them from the fleet. The fic post is here, and I really enjoyed the read. Her characterizations are right on, and it fits into canon beautifully.

My goal with the art was to hint at the story without giving too much away. Something I hadn't tried yet when it came to drawn/painted fannish art. It was fun! :D

I made myself experiment more with the composition and try to take advantage of more of what Photoshop has to offer, rather than just do a sketch I could have easily done on paper. It was my first time drawing Laura, and I struggled with her, and I think she still has more issues going on with her portrait than Kara's, but I've sketched/painted Kara before and her face is distinctive in very drawing-friendly ways. Included in the experimenting was playing around with the appearence of different depth planes and exploding the basestar into their foreheads. It was also good for me to not be able to fall back on making shippy art--which is fun but covers many sins effortlessly, heh.

It was a good exercise overall, and it does seem I'm improving my skills a bit with repetition. I'd have thought learning that several times over by now would have made it stick better, but I swear, every time it's a revelation. :P

I have also signed up for pilotsbigbang because I shamelessly ship Kara/Lee, and I'm using it as an excuse to carve out some time to make art and a vid for them. If you're a K/L shipper on my flist that has somehow missed hearing about it, you should check it out. *g*

Calling all Writers, Artists, Vidders, Mixers, Betas, and Cheerleaders!

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Sign-Ups run through January 3, 2010.

More Information, including the Flight Schedule, is available here.

I also made myself cranberry-pomegranate muffins this morning (again thanks to femmenerd's food talk ;D), and they are quite yummy. I've never had cooked pom seeds (or arils as I learned from femme *g*) before, and I was a little surprised at how much the tartness fades with cooking. Mmm, now I have breakfast ready for tomorrow too. :} And I should probably post this and give into the dog that has been staring at me hopefully with visions of a walk in his eyes for the last 20 minutes, because he knows it's THAT TIME.

fanart, food, art, bsg, starbuck

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