Trying to remember that I can't ruin this theory.

Feb 24, 2003 18:30

Been so busy watching and critiquing in vids in an attempt to learn more about them for my own budding attempts, that I haven't done much of anything else. Although, I have been doggedly ripping and converting s3 eps off my DVDs for source throughout the day, letting the stuff just run in the background on the computer.

Why I wasted my time processing "Anne" for a B/F vid I don't know. Probably has to do with that being a dork thing. Same reason I insisted on writing over newly converted files several times in a row. But something is being accomplished, so I'm happy.

I'm also working really hard to remember that I can't mess this LJ up by writing in it. I love the idea of journals and sketchbooks. I like writing journalish thoughts and making sketches. As soon as I try to put them in a pretty book, I either freeze up or become incredibly pretentious. :P Until I signed up for LJ, I had pretty much given up on ever writing regularly in any of the journals I insist on collecting. I love pretty blank books. Someday I have decided I will have one shelf, or possibly a whole bookshelf, full of nothing but beautiful empty journals and sketchbooks.

It will make me happy I think. And since I will have decided it's ok to leave them blank, maybe I'll be able to quite worrying about the fear of messing them up. Since I seem to be making an effort here, I'm still hopeful that I can move past this crippling disability... Who knows, maybe I'll even post sketches in here on the days when I feel particularly void of insight.

Now. Time to go make that damn complex tRNA model that I've been putting off for work. (And if I'm a very very good girl, I might be ready to start animating the entire translation process by Wednesdays' meeting. Note to self: You really really need to start being very very good. Now already.)

vidding, internet, work

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