Apr 23, 2009 05:37
Sunday, 19th April - Run Auckland Series Run #2
It was an early start to the day and the little one also woke up 15 mins earlier than the time we were going to wake her up anyway. She was very happy to know that she's going to see her cousins. So she was left there so we can focus on the race.
It was quite cold and I was just walking up and down to try and stay warm... I think by the time we finished queuing up for the start, all the warm up work that's done... was cooled down already.
Anyway, I lined myself up just before the walkers as I think I will be slow anyway. We waited and waited and finally we get to start.... well we were moving rather slowly towards the start/finish line... once we got through there, people disappeared very quickly... I started running and guess what? I found people stopped in front of me as they decided the 100m run was good enough, it's walking time.
So I moved on and honestly I started way too fast. I have no idea how fast I was going but I know it is too fast when my HR monitor wouldn't stop beeping about my HR being too high and I was having trouble to breath. But I also felt rather self-conscious. I felt like I was running quite slow and people would look at me if I've stopped and walked so early on? (But I just saw others did!) Funny enough, we hit a steep uphill very soon, a short one but steep and just about everyone stopped and walked. Then I realised, oh, walking is fine, no one will laugh at you. *phew*
From that point on and that was probably like I don't know, 500metres if even that into the course?! I started walking and running. I must have walked about half of the time, as I still struggled to get my breathing right. Until I get it right, I couldn't really run for long at all without feeling the need to stop and walk.
I think about 8 mins into the race I thought, I had enough... half marathon, I don't really think so!! Anyway, I carried on and watching people pass me and I pass some of them as I start running again... you see similar faces around you and I think we all just pull each other along on the course.
Eventually I saw someone I know, a neighbour of my, she's doing the 10K event, walking. I know it's silly but I was actually walking behind her for a while until I decided I need to pass the group of walkers, I started running to get pass them. Also thought, she knew I was here for a 5K run, would look a bit silly if I was walking, right?! :P
There was also part of the course I was actually having trouble running, that's when I took longer break and walked instead. I think I went too hard and my hip was hurting a bit when I tried to run, but luckily that went right after a bit of walk to rest it.
I think for quite a bit before the end of the race, I was walking to save up some energy for the sprint at the end! :P So I did, for the last 200-300 metres, I sprinted through to the finishing line and pity, just couldn't beat the 2 kids in front of me!! Oh well! :P
Anyways, I was fine after the run, a little sore but too bad. Did some stretches.... and waited for the hubby to finish.
I took 37:44 mins according to my watch but according to the official stats from the timing chip, I took 37:28 mins. So I will take that instead! :P
According to the hubby the courses is longer than 5Km (3.125 miles), it is around 5.4Km (3.375 miles).
I thought it was a rather interesting experience. Boy, I went off way too fast and it wasn't too much fun when you can't really get the breathing right. But after it finished, I did quite enjoy the experience, funny that.
Hopefully next time I will go slower to start with!! :P