Name: Moe
Age: 20
Would you be liked to stamp as a male, female, or both?: Both please! :D
The Basics
Positive adjectives to describe yourself: Kind, caring, honest, awesome, artistic, thoughtful, dreamer, forgiving, observant (when I need to be), funny, loyal, compassionate, friendly, determined.
Negative adjectives to describe yourself: Stubborn, impatient, short-tempered (I'm an Aries as you can see XD), sensitive, quiet (at times), cautious, low self-esteem, klutz.
Your hobbies/interests: Writing, Reading, drawing, stargazing, hanging with friends, listening to music, singing, drama (the theatre, not causing drama, lol), shopping. I've also just taken up Jujitsu and love it!
Describe your personality: I'm pretty hard to define. I'm more extroverted than I am introverted, but I do need my alone time sometimes. I love my friends and would do anything for them, sometimes even if it means sacrificing my happiness. That's probably a downfall for me too, that I try to make other people happy instead of worrying about my own happiness (though somehow I don't let people walk over me. I do this on my own accord). I'm a huge dreamer. I love dreaming and using my imagination. Thus why I love writing. Sometimes it's hard to even write it all down. XD I'm also really good at acting when I need to be. I could be feeling completely different on the inside then what I'm showing on the outside. I can be dark sometimes, but mostly rather be optimistic.
What do people like most about you?: That I stay true to myself. A lot of my friends have told me that they love that I stay me and don't try to change for others around me.
Goals/aims for the future: To have a job I love and a nice family.
Favorite quote/lyrics/phrase and why?: "Even the smallest star shines in the darkness ~Danish Proverb"
Well I love this quote one because it has to do with Astronomy ^^ But, I also like the meaning behind it how everyone no matter how small can shine.
This or That
Leader or Follower: I really like to be both. It defends on the situation really. Sometimes I'll want to be the leader if I think I can do a good job other times I'll let other people take over.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic! I like to stay optimistic, though I do have a little bit of a realistic view too ^^
Mature or Immature: I'm more mature than immature definitely. I really only act immature when I'm comfortable and around my friends. Otherwises I'm ever parents mature-childs dream.
Pleasure or Sacrifice: I sacrifice more than pleasure.
Confident or Shy: I'm more confident in certain activities, but when it comes to the beginning of relationships I'm more shy.
Selfless or Selfish: I'm rarely selfish. I'd rather be a selfless person.
Introverted or Extroverted: More extroverted, but I need my introverted moments too. I'm also way more extroverted around people I'm comfortable with.
Rule or Be Ruled: I'd rather rule :p
Wild or Down-to-Earth: I'm definitely more down-to-earth. Rarely wild.
Party All Night or Stay at Home: Not really a partier so I'd rather stay at home maybe with a book, movie or friend or something.
Favorite character and why?: Oh I have many favorites. Eli is definitely my number one favorite. Just love basically everything about the boy. Followed by Clare, who I just love for being herself, but still growing into a more stronger person. I also love Fiona (love her style!) her storylines and character have just been so beautifully tragic. Adam, love "My Body Is A Cage." I also really liked Anya in MBIAC, love how she's growing into her own after her break up with Sav. And Alli in the latest episode DLMGM.
Least favorite character and why?: Jenna... Words can't describe how much I want to punch her when she appears on screen. I hate her fakeness and her "everyone feel bad for me I'm the victim" attitude! I like Drew's relationship with Adam, but other then that he's not winning any love with me!
Favorite episode and why?: Time Stands Still is my all time favorite. This season though My Body Is A Cage wins.
Favorite couple and why?: Eclare is definitely my OTP! I love the emotional connection they had in "Better Off Alone." Watching them become friends and grow into liking each other more only made me like them more. I also really like KC/Clare, Sean/Emma, Jay/Manny, JT/Liberty, Spinner with Jane, Paige, Holly J and Darcy, Dave/Jenna, Dave/All and a lot more! XD
Character you feel isn't like you and why?: Jenna way too fake!! And really just an idiot sometimes. Anya also lets people walk all over her way too much than I do (though luckily she is growing).
I’m a student at Degrassi, and…
I found out my boyfriends cheating on me… "Use me, lose me." That's my moto. You cheat once and you're gone. You cheat and lie about it you're gone and cut out of my life. Cheating is my number one hate in relationships. I don't think you should let people walk all over you like that.
I’m pregnant… Freak out!! Check out my options and discuss them with the father. Depending on the situation I'd make a decision.
Someone comes up and punches me… Pray someone restrains me because if I'm not in a good mood it's on!
Someone comes up and kisses me… if it's not my boyfriend or someone I like I'd probably yell "WTF" at them. If it was someone I liked I'd kiss them back.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Nope! Thank you for voting! :)
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