Name: Natalie
Age: Teenager :)
Would you be liked to stamp as a male, female, or both?: Both, but I'd prefer female.
The Basics
Positive adjectives to describe yourself: Friendly. Good listener. Intelligent. Hard working. Helpful. Open-minded.
Negative adjectives to describe yourself: Lazy(kind of contradicts the hard working thing, but yeah..). Short tempered. Hold grudges for too long.
Your hobbies/interests: My main interest is probably reading and writing. Something about those two thing have always been interesting to me and I just enjoy it so much. I also like fandom type stuff (fanfiction, fanmixex,,ect.) too.
Describe your personality: I have a Type A personality. I'm very time oriented. I don't like being too late or too early for things and I sometimes grow (unreasonably) angry at people for certain issues regarding time. I also like to meet standard and take my work very seriously. I also have a Type C personality with me being unassertive and introverted at times.
What do people like most about you?:I'm a big helper. Ever since I was little I'd always be that kid that everyone would ask for help and (most of the time) I would follow through to help the person. Now that I'm older I realize that certain less nicer people can take advantage of you for being helpful and kind so I try to put my foot down and be assertive and say "no" at times.
Goals/aims for the future: Well for now it's just to do well in school because the past two years I've been sort of "slacking"(by slacking I mean getting C's on my report card which are kind of bad for me). In the future it's to go to medical school and be a pediatrician.
Favorite quote/lyrics/phrase and why?: No one can wear a mask for very long -Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I like this quote so much because in reality no one can hide behind some facade for too long. Everyone's true colors will show off and speak for themselves eventually.
This or That
Leader or Follower: Not gonna lie I'm a follower. I do lead in certain situations and "take one for the team".
Optimistic or Pessimistic: A little of both, it depends on the day. Sometimes I'm just so happy and full of positive energy and other days I'm just so dnw about everything.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Pleasure or Sacrifice: A little of both.
Confident or Shy: Shy. :) I'm working on my confidence.
Selfless or Selfish: Selfless. Though I do admit I have selfish moments.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted. I can be extroverted around people I know really well and like though.
Rule or Be Ruled: Rule.
Wild or Down-to-Earth: Down to Earth.
Party All Night or Stay at Home: Stay at Home
Favorite character and why?:
Gen 1: Ellie (before season 5). I don't know why, but I've always had a strange love for her charcater. She's definitely someone I would be friends with in real life. I also like Manny. She's such a funny loveable character, imo. Same with Darcy before she became a hypocrite. I also like Craig( he makes me laugh) and Sean.
Gen 2: I rotate with this generation. At first Alli was my absolute favorite character because she reminded me of Manny during season 3. Later on Clare became my favorite character. She used to annoy me in season 8(and still does sometimes now), but she sort of reminds me of a more outspoken version of myself. This season also made me realize how much in common me and Anya are personality wise. She's shy and can be seen as a "follower" and I'm sort of like that. We also kind of deal with problems similarly.
Least favorite character and why?:
Gen 1: Emma is my all time least favorite character (harsh, I know). I can't begin to describe why I don't like her because it would basically be a whole essay. She just so hypocritical and self righteous to me, plus she gets away with EVERYTHING. I also dislike Ashley too for (almost) similar reasons.
Gen 2: Jenna. She's just stupid and pointless 'nuff said. I also dislike Bianca. She just so lame Alex wannabeish.
Favorite episode and why?:
Gen 1: Time Still Stands, Back in Black, Mercy Street, I Against I, and Secret. They're just amazing episodes, imo. Very well written.
Gen 2: My Body Is A Cage. I really felt the emotion from Adam and his struggle about not wanting to be Gracie anymore.
Favorite couple and why?:
Gen 1: Ellie/Sean- I feel like their underrated. I love the connection that they had.
Peter/Darcy- I sometimes side eye myself for liking this couple because of how they got together, but something about them makes me smile.
Spinner/Jane- One of my favorite Spinner pairings beside Spinner/Paige. Love the way they interacted.
Gen 2: Eli/Clare- How can you no love Eclare? They’re just so perfect.
Ali-Dave- They need to get together.
Character you feel isn't like you and why?:
Jenna and Bianca for reasons I stated before. And also any HIBIC type characters like Paige and Holly J because I’m obviously nothing close to that.
I’m a student at Degrassi, and…
I found out my boyfriends cheating on me… I wouldn’t slap him, but I would dump him and give the silent treatment.
I’m pregnant… I honestly don’t know what I’d do. I’d probably crack under pressure if that happened.
Someone comes up and punches me… Beat them up Manny style.
Someone comes up and kisses me… Depends on who. If it’s someone I like I’ll nervously kiss back, but if it’s someone I can’t stand or don’t like back I’d probably freak out and push them.
Anything else you'd like to add?:
Nothing. :/
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