i've got nothing to do. like a writer on a movie set

Apr 24, 2009 15:20

The state of the TV I watch.


. In Plain Sight: S2 just started this past weekend, the episode was just okay. I guess I was expecting more consequences and all we got was opposite!PTSD Mary. Eh. I still love Marshall Marshall though.


. Castle: I wish they kept the ridiculous tone of the first few episodes all through; they're getting a bit too serious for my liking. Still, out of all the generic quirky procedurals that try to bring Moonlightning/X-Files back to life out there, it's my favorite. And this has probably become my favoritest father-daughter relationship portrayal on TV [at least until Eureka is back], and that's a VERY IMPORTANT selling point for yours truly, so. Also: NATHAN FILLION.

. Greek: Will you look at that: when they make Evan fucking Chambers conflicted and interesting and have him interact with Cappie in a way other than I-hate-you-I-hate-you-back, I actually love this show. Will wonders never cease. [Cassie can still go DIAF please. And take her Neanderthal-marble-mouth-retarded-looking-boyfriend along with her.]

. How I Met Your Mother: this season has been mostly ass [and I say that while acknowledging they have made me stop hating Ted [!!!] and that I understand it's hard to film around two pregnant leading ladies], but I have high hopes for the last episodes. The good: Marshall is the most adorable person in the universe, ever. And OH, BARNEY. *pets*


. Fringe: everyone keeps talking about how much this show has improved and I wonder if I'm watching the wrong thing. I keep liking Fringe less and less: Olivia leaves me completely cold -- I can't sympathize or empathize with her AT ALL, and I can't figure out if it's the [atrocious] actress or the [frigid] character; Peter does nothing except look like Joshua Jackson is standing there sitting pretty and uselessly translating Walter. The single character I do like is Charlie [moar Charlie!]. And frankly, I liked it better when JJ Abrams was copycatting himself and stealing plots from Alias than now that he's trying to re-do The X-Files.

. NCIS: Abby >>> everyone else, the end. This season started so. damn. well. And now it's one forgettable episode after the other. WTF, show? Stop being lame! [Though I have to admit I'm pretty curious about the upcoming two-parter that's supposed to be the backdoor pilot for the spin-off. It's got LL Cool J, man. What's not to like? *g*]


. CSI: NY: show's been pretty good the past few episodes -- last week's episode was REALLY GOOD, even. But I'm still waiting for the big nasty Mac/Stella fallout of doom that they've been teasing, but not enough. And if that means they'll bring Tony Amendola back for a couple more episodes, even better, 'cause I adore the dude.

. The Unusuals: I have to admit I didn't like the pilot very much. But between last night and this morning I got caught up with the following three episodes and I have to say I AM LOVING THIS SHOW. It's funny and quirky and WEIRD and the characters are incredibly constructed it's got some class A dialog ["I could never be a slut" / "How do you know, unless you try? / "I just have no interest in seeing that many penises.". Hee.]. And while it's true that I'll mostly watch anything Amber Tamblyn ever makes, it's even better, because I currently like every single character in this show -- even the ones I'm supposed to hate. It's a weird but nice feeling.


. Bones: the massive amount of Bones episodes of late has probably made me a bit tired of the show, but I'm still having fun, so. I'm liking the way they're going re: Booth/Bones, I get a kick out of the rotating lab interns and Cam has basically become my favorite character. Now if they'd only KILL Angela and Sweets DEAD, then I'd be perfectly happy. [Still, Stephen Fry came back and made everything better for a little while. That counts for something, right?]

. Supernatural: the single reason I'm still watching SPN is that it makes it easier for me to catch up with related SPN wank. Trufax. I was liking this season, I truly was. But the last few episodes -- every single time they could've done something interesting, they went and did the obvious. It's gone way beyond underestimating the audience's intelligence -- it's as if they are now consciously writing for low IQs. Also, dude who plays Castiel CAN'T FUCKING ACT. His idea of angst is Joey Tribbiani's smell the fart face. And seriously, when I notice bad acting near Jensen Ackles? It's because it's THAT BAD.

. Ugly Betty: I'm only still watching for Daniel. I don't really like anyone else anymore. And there's a casting spoiler going around that will probably make me quit this show once and for all. Ugh.


. Dollhouse: when I'm watching Dollhouse, I like it plenty. Mostly because I can even ignore the fact that Eliza Dushku is the worst actress on the planet and that I like Echo/Caroline less and less because Eliza Dushku is the worst actress on the planet. But yeah, I like it. Except it still feels like I'm watching it out of obligation re: Joss. And what's up with that?

. Numbers: I love Numbers, it's my little show that no one else watches, but that gives me glee every Saturday morning. I just wish they'd stop fucking around and give me my David/Colby already. Because it would be BRILLIANT.

. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles: until May 18 when FOX says it's canceled I'm not giving up hope IT'S NOT CANCELED LA LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU PA RA RA TI BUM.


. Kings: Okay, so I haven't really been falling over myself re: Kings -- I found it pretty interesting, and the acting was always damn fine, but the thing I got out of it was the POTENTIAL it had. Such a shame that it already got the shaft [though the remaining episodes will air come June].

. Legend of the Seeker: I MISS YOU, MY RIDICULOUSLY RIDICULOUS SHOW! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE COMING BACK TOMORROW, BB NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN! Also, the fact that I sort-of [totally] identify Richard with my step-brother is making me all sorts of awww, Richard, you're very adorkable. Now pull up your pants close your damn shirt!


In other news, I might have started rewatching The West Wing again. It might've been a fluke yesterday [I wanted background noise while doing my nails, waxing, etc, and the S1 boxset was on the top of my desk]. But I wanna keep going today, because the next ep is Mr. Willis of Ohio.

And this is how it starts, EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Stupid amazing show.

tv: dollhouse, tv: ncis, tv: csi, tv: kings, tv: legend of the seeker, tv: how i met your mother, tv: fringe, tv: numbers, tv: in plain sight, tv: greek, tv: unusuals, tv: ugly betty, tv: west wing, tv: castle, tv: sarah connor chronicles, tv: bones, tv: supernatural

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