we hope that you choke, that you choke

Apr 15, 2009 13:58

A follow up on last night's post re: the T:TSCC cancellation [and a bit more depth than my stupid ramblings on Twitter]:

The big problem I see with the show being renewed in relation to the Terminator: Salvation release is that FOX has nothing to do with the movie. It's a WB-produced flick; the WB has the distribution rights for the USA, and Sony is doing the international release.

[Also: FOX upfronts are May 18. The movie opens in the US three days AFTER that, so it's not like the opening weekend will influence anything anyway.]

Same thing with T:TSCC DVD sales -- that's all Warner Bros, both in the US and foreign markets.

So really, the only revenue FOX gets from the show is advertisement -- the low ratings and the massive majority of people DVR-ing T:TSCC pretty much kills that. [Obs: I don't have access to either iTunes or Hulu, but I'm guessing their distribution agreement is with FOX and not WB, so FOX gets money from those viewings as well? Can someone verify that?]

Of course it's in the interest of the WB that the show gets picked up as well -- DVD sales alone might be worth it. And the show sells relatively well in foreign markets. And for those markets, the more episodes to buy, the better*. Same with US syndication, except foreign is shinier these days because poor countries don't have Tivo and people appreciate the reruns.

Thus: the final decision is FOX's, but I gotta believe Warner Bros. is gonna try and convince FOX [and by convince I mean some kind of money deal, obvsly] to renew it. And if that fails, I really REALLY hope WB tries to shop T:TSCC around cable networks, or DirecTV or somewhere else rather than just let it die.

EDIT: Links! Save The Sarah Connor Chronicles. And they're on LJ as well: save_scc

* Related, because I live here and it's kinda funny-peculiar: T:TSCC airs in the entire Latin America on the Warner Channel [which is paid cable, btw]. Last season? It was THE MOST VIEWED CABLE TV SHOW for the entire continent. [Uh, go team Latin America?] Of course, please do remember that we're POOR and roughly 10% of the population can actually afford cable? So these are not huge numbers at all, but I just like the fact that we love T:TSCC more than you rich people do. :P


In other news, the Hollywood Reporter says RDA, Michael Shanks AND AMANDA TAPPING are gonna be guesting on Stargate: Universe.

Did someone forget to call Chris Judge?

edit: I almost forgot! [HDU, self?!]: Nathan Fillion is on Twitter now. My life is henceforth PERFECT.

tv: stargate universe, fox is evil, tv: stargate sg-1, rda, filmschool is at fault, tv: sarah connor chronicles, amanda tapping

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