Of course things happen when you're off having fun at the beach for a week. So allow me to be late to the party[ies] and comment on the pertinent subjects.
The WGA strike is over?! YAY?! And Ausiello has
a list of if/when stuff is coming back. Whee?!
[Please to be confirming everything asap, WGA. kthanxbai.]
Official release for Stargate: Atlantis S5. Bonus link:
Gateworld edition. I *knew it* the second Skiffy announced they were going ahead with Sanctuary that Amanda was either leaving SGA completely or becoming a guest star. And I'm pretty good with that, what with Sam being so stupidly used in S4. Also, yay for Daniel & Carson on Atlantis. But WOOSLEY? FOR. FUCKING. SERIOUS. *headdesks times infinity*
[Also, and I'm sure other people have already mentioned it, but I can only imagine Joe Mallozzi's head exploding when Amanda told him she was leaving and he realized he had replicated Elizabeth to oblivion and THE ONLY OPTION was Woosley. OH SNAP.]
3. Icon pimping: Juju posted some pretty pretty PRETTY NCIS, SGA and Farscape icons
here. Did I mention the pretty? *stares*
4. In theory, I like the new Explore LJ feature [it has lots of potential as a time-waster!], but I'm feeling anti-social enough that I'm glad to see you can opt out of it in the
Viewing Options page. OTOH, I'm completely in love with the new
Directory Search options. Interest search within my own flist/friends-of = DREAM COME TRUE. And perfect for finding morning-after post-episode discussion. NICE.
[Now if only they implemented flist/friends-of TAG SEARCHING and I'd be the happiest Tissa ever.]
I'm back from the beach, but I'm still in Campos, and I actually have THINGS TO DO in this town for once, so I'll be back for real on Monday. :)