The bad:
. My building has been going through renovations for the past couple of weeks and OMG ANNOYING. I understand they're needed, as this is a very old building, but it bugs. The horrible loud noise, the random turning off of electricity/water/gas/all of the above... GAH. The good news is they're wrapping up this Friday. Finally.
. Monday was an incredibly HOT day -- as in 42ºC -- and on top of that I didn't feel like eating all day long and ended up just having pizza for dinner. The result? A heatstroke that put me down [when I wasn't feeling sick] for most of yesterday. Fantastic, except totally not.
The good:
. Extra unexpected better-than-average-pay gig for November. Awesome!
. LJ wrote me back [twice!] about the problems with the context menu saying they'll try to fix it asap. Let's hope they mean it.
The pretty:
Ally McBeal S1 for half the price. SCORE.
. Veronica Mars.
OMG YOU GUYS. Veronica made me cry. Not the show. Veronica. Okay, so I was sick and weird all day, but SERIOUSLY. When she apologized to Logan? And said she was trying to work on her trust issues? SIGH. I kind of love her very much right now. *goes off to rewatch #3*