[I can't remember where or from whom I got it, but this is the bestest song EVAH!]
1. Random LJ hopping while waiting for your boss to call you back makes you find all kinds of stuff.
Such as. Suprnova has a
Chance torrent available [for a month, actually]. You know, Amber Benson's movie?
I'm kinda downloading it now. *g*
2. Angie posted
all details on the Farscape CD mixes we made. Check them out, people! :)
[and I'm avoiding the topic of me not being in Burbank altogether. WOE.]
3. I'm changing ISPs tomorrow. The new one offers three times my current speed for the exact same price I'm paying now. Eeee!
What this means is that my current ISP email, the one I've had for the last SEVEN years, is finally being put to rest.
So. If you want to email me from now on, here are the options:
- tissa(at)tiny-flowers.net [this is my main email]
- dtissagirl(at)gmail.com [especially if you're sending me music *g*]
The scully@cruiser email dies next week. RIP.
4. David Anders on CSI is CREEPY. He laughs and it makes noise and his face crinkles. And his character's name is TRAVIS. ::shudders::
And I'm still kinda peeved that they exchanged Krycek for Sark.