Sep 09, 2004 14:35
My damn allergies are acting up. Again. At first I was thinking it was something I ate, but it's probably the weather. Some people are allergic to cold weather, I'm allergic to weather changes. Hence the hot wave making me want to cut off my nose. And throat. Top that with coming back to Pollution City after 5 days of breathing a clearer air and I'm toast.
OTOH, I just got emails from two friends I hadn't heard from in forever. And they made me smile, because the level of geekdom in both of them rivals mine.
One of them wants my help setting up a BNL discussion group in Portuguese [he says he can get 20 people to sign up for it. I have my doubts. *g*].
The other one wants to get together and discuss BtVS and AtS in depth with a bunch of mutual friends, so we can maybe write [and publish!] something about it.
I gotta say I love the sound of both things.
Hee. :)
all my friends are fuck-ups,
geeks are love