come join the youth and beauty brigade

Jul 24, 2004 23:18

Had THE loveliest time today. I really really love it when I introduce my friends to each other and they get along together well.

And today I did that to a whole bunch of people! :)

Anywho. I met jujubinha around noon, because she lives here in Niterói too and we went to Rio. There, we met weirdgirlie, louisemcgregor, spy_barbie, silvertaste, solveigynt, tatileite, Cândida, Andreh and Sabrina [and her sister and her sister's husband].

We watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [big screen, finally! ::is in love with the movie all over again::], a lot of food was consumed [both before and after the movie], we talked A LOT A LOT A LOT about books and movies and TV shows and gossiped about all our common LJ friends. [heeee!]

We learned that jujubinha is friends with a good friend of mine from college [because Niterói is the smallest city EVER]. And that silvertaste and louisemcgregor are neighbors! [Well, they live in the same apartment building complex.] 10 million people live in Rio and stuff like this happens. Hee.

...and I think I got everyone to really want to watch Farscape. ::evil laughter:: That is definitely gonna be arranged. :)

Also? We have plans for next weekend! Squee!


cariocas, weekend, movies: eternal sunshine

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