I wanna see movies of my dreams

Jul 23, 2004 22:36

Brrrrrrr it's cold. It's never cold here. And it's been like this for a week now. What the frell?

Eternal Sunshine at the movies tomorrow! Very very excited. :) Even more so because I'm gonna meet some LJ-ers for the first time. Squee!

I have some stuff to add to my Aspect Ratio for dummies post, but I'm too tired to do it tonight [damn real world with real job that piles up on me when I'm not expecting it]. I'm gonna try and do it tomorrow or Sunday. It's an endless subject! ;-)

I made a banner for my friend Andreh's blog, and I quite like how it came out:

That IS Andreh making a funny face and dressed up as a 'baiana', which is a traditional Rio de Janeiro carnival costume. And he *actually* dressed up and I took the picture a couple of months ago... I didn't photoshop that part. :)

Alright. Fic to read and a book to finish tonight. ::prances away::

layouts, movies: eternal sunshine

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