So, hey, after all my many insistences that I just do not listen well enough to enjoy podfic or podcasts, it turns out that I actually kind of enjoy running (very slowly) while people talk about geeky/fannish stuff in my ears.
(Podfic turns out to be a little problematic for running purposes because I get involved in the story and can't wait until the next time I go running for more of it and then whoops I just spent all my free time for a few days rereading Stealing Harry and it's not even time for my biannual occasion of falling down the well and losing a week to HP fic. And I'm still not sure how I would do with podfic of a story I'm not already familiar with, because I do tend to zone out and miss bits.)
Anyway, so: rec me podcasts? I already have SF Squeecast and Writing Excuses, but I know there are some slash-specific fancasts? Or used to be, at least, have they trailed off? Anyway, please rec me things!
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