Lydia agrees with me: there are limits to what Tumblr is good for.

Sep 13, 2012 07:07

I like Tumblr to the extent that it's a venue for completely ephemeral interaction that consists of showing each other gifs and having feels about them. But some people post fic to it, apparently, which I find alternately puzzling and grumpy-making. And yet, I have enjoyed some of that fic! And yet I refuse to reblog it because no. So I shall now perform the Doing It Wrong performance art piece that is Reccing Tumblr Fic on Dreamwidth/LiveJournal:

Now You're Standing in a Big Disaster by
gyzym. Derek is doomed, and Stiles doesn't intend to have any regrets when he's gone.

[Untitled] by
saucefactory. In which Dr. Deaton helps Stiles even the playing field.

In Which Derek Has a Nice Month and Gets Thoroughly Freaked Out By It by
jebiwonkenobi. What it says on the tin, with bonus excellent Stiles. ♥

[Untitled Kidfic] by
nightrevelations. In which Derek's niece needs Stiles-cuddles.

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