dream and meme

Mar 02, 2010 07:05

I had one of those back-at-school anxiety dreams, except it kept unspooling. I was going to turn in a compilation of interesting papers on some topic, but I needed to make a new table of contents--wait, it was my thesis, and I hadn't written anything, just compiled the papers--it would be plagiarism--I had to ask for an extension, but it was the last day of the semester, I hadn't attended any of my classes at all--I didn't have syllabi, didn't even know where the class met--found the class, was still frantically searching for a syllabus when the instructor called me aside to have a scaldingly humiliating discussion about my total failure of her class--I asked for an incomplete and she laughed sadly and told me I'd better go down to the registrar's office and beg them--I had to go to the registrar's office and couldn't find socks and didn't want to go through the floo because it might burn my feet and what was I going to tell my parents about not graduating and how would I ever find a job?

So then I woke up and I was really glad to be awake. Then I remembered that before that there were dreams of hanging out on a beach with Chris Judge, and I could not figure out why that dream had to turn into crazy school anxiety dream. Hmph.

Anyway! As your reward for reading/scrolling past that nonsense, a very simple meme from
fox: when you see this, post a poem.

The Hurricane
William Carlos Williams

The tree lay down
on the garage roof
and stretched, You
have your heaven,
it said, go to it.

Bonus poem: go read "Voyager 2, Upon Arrival" by Chris Flowers, in the latest issue of Ideomancer. Because it's beautiful, is why.

This entry was originally posted at http://dira.dreamwidth.org/527860.html. There are currently
comments there.

poetry, memery

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