So, wait, now I have to wait until WHEN for more Leverage? This may have been completely horrible timing.
And oh my everloving CHRIST, Nate's last little speech to the team--
So, here is the thing, and I swear this comes back around. A while back
iuliamentis loaned me Sharon Shinn's
Mystic and Rider with the recommendation that it's a book about a disparate group of people who are forced to work together and evolve into a team, and the team into a sort of family.
"Which," Iulia said, "is my favorite thing."
Now maybe I'm suggestible, or maybe Iulia and I just share a brain, but when I read the books--because it wasn't just one book, it was a series of five--I got my buttons pushed just as hard as she did, like, pressing my face into the pages of the book in delight (uh--do other people do that? anyway), like totally neglecting all other interests until I finished the books, like A LOT.
Yeah, so then this past weekend I started watching Leverage with
strangecobwebs. And we watched the whole run in a couple of days. And before they'd even finished out a season they were talking--talking! explicitly! right there in words! IN ACTUAL WORDS!--about being "more than a team."
So all of that to set it up a bit and not sound like a complete freak when I say that when Nate said what he said at the end there? All explicit and in actual words?
Holy crap, it was like some kind of porn. Not in a GUH way (although I loved it) but in a WHOA THAT IS RIGHT OUT THERE AND EXPLICIT AND KIND OF NAKED way.
Or maybe that's just me.
Also--and I have thought this since before I ever saw the show, and now I think it even harder--there really needs to be a Leverage vid to
BNL's "Bank Job":
We all had positions
We each had a role
We'd over-rehearsed it
We had full control
They can't teach you acting
It's there in your soul
It's the same with the bank job
And each thing we stole
To say nothing of the part about the nuns....
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