Mar 13, 2009 12:14
My best friend and I have a joke. It's a litmus test actually - about the levels of crazy that make girls attractive. For instance, a girl who once had Nina Hagen's NunSexMonkRock on cassette in either her car or on heavy rotation in her stereo, is a high but attractive caliber of crazy. One who has never heard of Nina Hagen but is ClownStabbyCrazy nonetheless, may be attractive but is a bad kind of crazy.
I fall into the first category. I bloody LOVED Nina Hagen for years and years. I even still venture out of my cave whenever she plays to see her, despite the fact that her glory years are behind are mine. Still, I like to believe that there's a special little part of my heart that will always be that girl.
However, this morning when she came up in the rotation on my giant IPOD, I skipped it. I told myself it was far too early for Ms. Hagen. This afternoon when it happened again, I opted for the Sisters and skipped her again.
The implications are uncomfortable in my brain.
I'm either a lot less crazy, I'm just old or I've somehow lost that girl. I'm not altogether OK with any option there.
I suppose I should be relieved and comforted that it is never too early for the Misfits or the Sisters. At least that still holds true.