from wendy

Oct 21, 2004 03:51

1. Tell me five things about you that I don't already know.

- I'm horribly afraid of hermit crabs, ocean crabs, or anything with pinchers.
- I get the worst munchies late at night and eat like a crazy pig if I stay up past midnight.
- I had an imaginary friend throughout Elementary school named Anna Maria.
- I have a half-brother named Garrett that was like this huge babe in HS to many. [It was weird for me, because I was like wow that's my brother, yo] Unfortunately, I haven't spoken to him in at least 2 years.
- Um. Um. Um. I hate shaving my legs. I hate it so much that if I could change one superficial thing about society, it would be that girls could not shave and still be thought of as girly and beautiful.

2. Post a picture of yourself.

3. What's your all time fave song? Movie? Book?

Song - Say It Ain't So - Weezer
Movie - 4 way tie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Notebook, Love Actually, or Titanic [Yes, all chick flicks!]
Book - So so so many... I mad heart books... The Poisonwood Bible, The Purpose Driven Life, This Lullaby, Weetzie Bat series, The Hours, etc, etc, etc

4. What's your dream job?

Full time writer who is so good she wins several Pulitzer Prizes, if that's even possible.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

VENIZIA! ITALIA! Anywhere in Italy. It seems to be a beautiful, romantic, authentic, wonderful country. I would move there in a heartbeat if it weren't for that Aaron would totally be lost then.


If you'd like to participate:

Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.

I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.

You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.

You'll include this explanation.

You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.


If you have five questions for me, leave them in comments.
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