Weeks 2, 3 & 4 11th January - 1st February 2011

Feb 01, 2011 23:45

So that 2 week posting has somehow turned into 3 weeks. Apologies I've had a hard time keeping track. Anything to add or correct please do comment. Crossposted to LJ, DW and IJ.

Community News:

ds_kinkmeme Meme Two can be found Here.The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious Here.
There's also a kink meme duesouth_kink over on DW. Meme one can be found here Here (DW link). The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious Here.

ds_ficfinders and ds_recfinders are merging. Accordingly, rec requests, as well as specific story searches are now welcome at ds_ficfinders.
morgandawn had some due South zines for sale.
Beta and First Reader/Cheeleader Sign-ups for dS/C6D Big Bang.

charitypledge A multifandom "buy it now" fundraiser for any/all charities.
Sign-ups for , a multifandom small gift exchange ficathon for Purim, end on Feb 5th. Gifts are centered around female or Jewish characters. Rules and sign ups are here.


ds_snippets current challenge is Hello to Challenge Five, and Not-Quite-Goodbye to the Snippet Tag Event Amnesty Challenge!
ds_contest current Challenge is Challenge 43: Three Legged Race

There's an art challenge currently going on over at ds_c6d_bigbang here.

spuffyduds linked all her fic for 2010 here.
mizface linked all her 2010 fic here.
tres_mechante linked all her 2010 fic here.
mizface has a maasterlist of ten dS ficlets here. (various, G)
deborah_judge wrote Keeping Balance (Kowalski/Stella, PG-13)
hsavinien wrote Oops (Fraser/Kowalski, PG-13)
musegaarid wrote One Hundred Million Angels Singing (A dueSouth/Supernatural crossover. Dean/Castiel, Fraser/Kowalski, PG-13)
slwatson wrote Midnights (Turnbull, PG)
aerye wrote 3:30 a.m. in Chicago (Kowalski/Vecchio, Teen +) - AO3 link
brigantine1 wrote Close, But Not Snowmobile Parts (Fraser/Kowalski, PG)
lucifuge_5 wrote Origins (Vecchio/Meg Thatcher, F/K in the background and past Vecchio/Stella Kowalski, R - NC-17)
ria_oaks wrote "Maple Candy" - Due South - Fraser/RayK - PG-13
icepixie wrote Begin the Beguine (Kowalski/Stella, PG-13)
icepixie wrote Snow Day (Fraser/Thatcher, G)
icepixie wrote This Gray Spirit Yearning (Fraser/Thatcher, G)
deborah_judge wrote Competing Destinies (Battlestar Galactica/due South, Stella/Leoben, Stella/RayK., R)
lucifuge_5 wrote Like a Moth to the Flame (dS/NCIS crossover AU, pre-slash Fraser/Jethro Gibbs, PG) - AO3 link
exbex wrote First Tea of the Morning (Fraser-centric with F,V gen; F, K gen; then F/V/K implied, G)

ds_zombies: ...fleck..., ...zero..., ...absence..., ...blur..., ...cracked..., ...ring..., ...fallen..., snippets from Day 2, The dueSouth Zombie Radioplay Fanmix I, ...unknown..., ...flight...,
...benny..., ...ten-four..., ...flurry..., ...shifts..., ...skin..., ...close..., ...palm..., ...she..., ...please....

Fanfiction from ds_snippets:
Challenge 3 on DW
exbex wrote Long Line of Leavers (Vecchio)
helens78 wrote Even Still (Fraser/Vecchio, G)
helens78 wrote I Took A Chance (Fraser/Vecchio, G)

Snippet Tag Event
helens78 wrote Offer (Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17)
nos4a2no9 wrote Constrict (Fraser, gen, PG)
lucifuge_5 wrote The Journey Home (due South/Slings&Arrows, Buck Frobisher and Bob Fraser, G)
hazelwho wrote Fracture (Fraser/Kowalski, R)
luzula wrote Apology (Fraser/Thatcher, PG) - DW
akamine_chan wrote ice cold hands taking hold of me (Benton Fraser, Ray Kowalski, Victoria Metcalf, R) - DW
slwatson wrote Remembered (Kowalski, Turnbull, G)

Oher Snippets
keerawa wrote Shelter from the Storm (Bob Fraser, G)
hsavinien wrote Our Pasts Following (PG-13)
mizface wrote Corner of the Sky (Fraser, Pern AU, G)
slwatson wrote Despite All (Turnbull, G)

2corbies recorded Resonant's story "Loving North." (F/K, NC-17). Download details Here
luzula recorded several fics for More Joy Day. Download details Here or here on DW
sophia_sol recorded Katabasis, by Aria (Fraser/Kowalski). Download details Here

Fanart/icons/famixes/graphics etc:
akamine_chan compiled a list of artists in the due South and C6D fandoms
love_jackianto created Dief and Turtle's Day Off: You Can't Catch Me... (fanart) (Dief, Fraser and RayK, G)
ria_oaks created Due South Christmas Ornaments
whoisus posted ds icons and wallpapers and manips created for ds_contest.
slwatson created Corporal Chase
slwatson created 22
love_jackianto created Dief and Turtle's Day Off: Lady and The Dief (fanart) (Dief, Fraser and RayK, Antie and Turnbull, G)
ria_oaks created "Fireworks" - Due South - Fraser/RayK - G
ria_oaks created "The 12th Doctor? AKA, Doctor Who Goes Canuck" - Due South/Doctor Who - Fraser and RayK - G
mific created Mistress Fraser (R)

icepixie created Build Your Own Cathedrals (Fraser-centric, Gen) using the song: "We're All Leaving," by Karine Polwart, from the Darwin Song Project

Recs & Requests:

Rec requests from ds_recfinders:
Asking for Ray, Ray and Fraser friendship recs (gen preferred)

Requests from ds_ficfinders:
Found: Kidnapped by msgordo
Looking for: either RayK or Fraser found in a warehouse strung from the roof naked
Found: Can't Stop Falling by Starfish
Found: Auk's site
Found: cesperanza's Some Strange Prophecy.
Found: Shedding the Miles Between by China_Shop
Found: Dira's Hawks and Hands
Found: This is Busted, by anonymous.co
Looking for: a post-CotW fic in which RayK and Stella are married and living next to Fraser (who's also married. Maybe to Frannie or Elaine?)
Found: china_shop's 10 reasons to hate Ray Kowalski, by Raymond Vecchio
Looking for: some F/K recs
Found? pir8fancier's Homeward Bound
Looking for: any fics where RayV and Fraser are discussing what it would be like if RayK would be willing to join them
Looking for: RayK/Turnbull recs
Looing for: Virgin Fraser recs
Looking for: COTW AU or post-COTW with RayK/Turnbull
Looking for: Mitch Hudson's 'Assumed Identity'
Looking for: smoking hot first-time anal sex, from the point of view of giver or receiver recs

weeks 2 3 & 4 2011

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