Welcome to the first
ds_weekly digest of 2011. Or perhaps that should be ds_bi_weekly. Thanks you for all your comments and feedback at the end of last year. I've decided that to try and make the digest look a little more substantial I'll be posting it once a fortnight.
This does mean unfortunately that some things might not be included but I am working on a way around that. Perhaps we'll have a short digest to draw your attention to anything that will miss the digest. We'll see.
Anyway belated Happy New Year and please continue to give your opinions and thoughts on the digest, especially the new format. Crossposted to LJ, DW and IJ.
Community News:
ds_kinkmeme Meme Two can be found
Here.The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious
There's also a kink meme
duesouth_kink over on DW. Meme one can be found here
Here (DW link). The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious
DSSS Authors & Artists are REVEALEDberlinghoff79 has a
Poll: due South Death Match.
akamine_chan posted
due South and C6D art list from DSS, Yuletide and
ds_meta is now on moderated posting.
You can find the Dreamwidth version of
ds_snippets HERE (DW Link)
ds_snippets current challenge is
Challenge 2 2011.
Other challenges:
casestory is a multi-fandom Big Bang.
The latest
ds_zombies updates:
...king..., , , , , , , , , , , ,
spuffyduds has a 2010 fic roundup
luzula wrote
You Won't Do This Alone (Fraser family gen, PG-13)
DW Linkicepixie wrote
To Give Life a Shape (dS/Slings & Arrows crossover, Fraser/Thatcher, Geoffrey/Ellen (sorta), Oliver, Anna, R)
icepixie wrote
Blushing Pilgrims (dS/Slings & Arrows crossover, Fraser/Thatcher, Geoffrey/Ellen, PG)
kalijean wrote:
Nox (Turnbull, Fraser, Bob Fraser, Thatcher, G)
Lumos (Vecchio/Turnbull, PG)
slwatson wrote:
Caprice (Turnbull, G)
Sky (Turnbull, G)
Pointless (Fraser, Turnbull, G)
Crescendo (Vecchio/Stella breakup, PG)
imaginethetruth wrote
Walls (Kowalski/Stella, Kowalski/OFC, Fraser/Kowalski, R)
kalijean wrote
Avis (Vecchio/Turnbull, G)
deborah_judge wrote
Star of the Sea (Kowalski/Stella, R)
tassosss wrote several fics for
There be Dragons (Fraser/Kowalski, PG)
Constants (Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, R)
Dinner at the Vecchios (Due South/Stargate SG1, Fraser/Kowalski, PG)
Fanart/icons etc:
This week's
ds_mangastyle art includes:
(Fraser/Vecchio, PG)
(Fraser/Vecchio, PG)
(Fraser/Vecchio, PG)
love_jackianto created
Dief and Turtle's Day Off: Kung Fu Turtle. (fanart) (Dief, Turtle, Fraser and RayK, G)
ria_oaks posted
Fraser/RayK drawing surya74 created
F/K manip icons and banners, NSFW slwatson created
Duty (PG, Turnbull,
love_jackianto created
Dief and Turtle's Day Off: Dancing King (fanart) (Turtle and Ray's Landlady, G)
Note ALL recs link to the rec post.
Rec requests from
Asking for
horror and darkfic recs
Asking for
gay!Armando and/or cruisingforguys!RayK stories.
Asking for
happy shiny lovely stories Asking for
any dS stories in which one of the characters has a cat as a pet Asking for
F/K/V that starts out as F/V, and RayV/Angie stories Requests from
Found: Veridian5's 'One for Sorrow' series Found: December by phenyx_tp Found: Rushlight's The Stranger Within Looking for Ray K season 2 fic Found: Ten Things To Get Used To Found: GinaD's Due Seven Found: Grasshopper by thehoyden