Week 51 14th - 21st December 2010

Dec 21, 2010 22:29

Here is this weeks digest. All links are LJ unless otherwise stated. Anything to add or correct please comment below. Crossposted to LJ, IJ and DW.

Community News:

ds_kinkmeme Meme Two can be found Here.The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious Here.
There's also a kink meme duesouth_kink over on DW. Meme one can be found here Here (DW link). The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious Here.

Week 33 - dS Rewatch Reaction Post - "Call of the Wild" can be found Here - DW link

ds_zombies has a Day One Poll, Meta, Discussion! HERE

Heads-up pre-announcement of the 3rd Annual C6DVD Cardathon.


ds_flashfiction are continuing The Genre Challenge 2010.
ds_snippets have wrapped up Challenge 190 - Amnesty
ds_snippets have begun Holiday Free-for-All!
The current challenge at ds_contest is Challenge 42 - Web Speak and the poll for the last challenge, Challenge 41 - Family, can be found here


The latest ds_zombies updates: ...c'mon..., ...shadows..., ...people..., ...twenty-seven....

slwatson wrote B420 (Turnbull, G)
slwatson wrote Stripes (Fraser/Kowalski, PG)


luzula recorded The Sweet Hereafter by china_shop (F/K, R, almost five hours long). Download details Here or here on DW.

Fanart/icons etc:

love_jackianto created Dief and Turtle's Day Off: Natural Buddies (Dief, Turtle, Fraser and RayK, G)
ria_oaks created Fraser/RayK and Fraser manips

weltea created A Fraser/Kowalski vid using the song: Legendary - Lou Barlow

Note ALL recs link to the rec post.

The current challenge at ds_recsredux is Warm Fuzzies.

Rec requests from ds_recfinders:

Asking for RayK really cries about something. recs (F/K preference)
Asking for any stories in which characters wrestle to see who gets to top.

Requests from ds_ficfinders:

Found: How to be articulate when you don't know an apostrophe from a rat's ass, by bertybertle.
Looking for "Seeing is Believing" - a Fraser/RayK fic out there re: the hypnosis
Looking for steampunk!au
Found: Stained Glass Saint, by bertybertle

week 51 2010

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