Week 50 7th - 14th December 2010

Dec 14, 2010 22:05

Here is this weeks digest. All links are LJ unless otherwise stated. Anything to add or correct please comment below. Crossposted to LJ, IJ and DW.

Community News:

ds_kinkmeme Meme Two can be found Here.The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious Here.
There's also a kink meme duesouth_kink over on DW. Meme one can be found here Here (DW link). The mod is keeping track of everything on delicious Here.

hsavinien ia Offering Due South fic for auction
there's one week left til the upload deadline of DSSS
There's an update on dS rewatch shenanigans
The modding of ds_snippets is being handed over to spuffyduds and lamentables.


ds_flashfiction are continuing The Genre Challenge 2010.
ds_snippets have wrapped up Challenge 190 - Amnesty
ds_snippets are continuing Holiday Free-for-All!
The current challenge at ds_contest is Challenge 41: We Are Family Challenge.
ds_c6d_bigbang is looking for volunteers and has opened sign-ups.


The latest ds_zombies updates: ...middle..., ...moonlight..., ...dead..., ...rain..., ...frannie..., ...up..., ...ray..., ...siphon..., ...draw..., ...mercy..., ...infected..., ...feast...,
...gap..., ...siren...

exeterlinden wrote Your Protector (Buck Frobisher, Caroline Fraser, Robert Fraser, G)
tres_mechante wrote Two Steps Forward, One Step Back (Ray Kowalski, Francesca Vecchio; gen, but hint of past RayK/Fraser and RayK/Stella, Teen)
slwatson wrote Leap (Turnbull, G)
slwatson wrote Gray (Turnbull/Vecchio, G)
jane_elliot wrote Sparks (Criminal Minds/Due South, Morgan/Garcia (pre-het); Kowalski/Fraser (established), PG-13) - outside LJ link

luzula recorded Isolation, Near Perfect, by greensilver (Bob and Buck gen, PG). Download details Here

Fanart/icons etc:

love_jackianto created Dief and Turtle's Day Off: Think Yellow (Frannie, Turtle and RayK, G)


Note ALL recs link to the rec post.

The current challenge at ds_recsredux is Warm Fuzzies.

luzula recced Insta-rec: Your Protector, by exeterlinden (Buck Frobisher, Caroline Fraser, Robert Fraser, G)

Rec requests from ds_recfinders:
Asking for any fics, F/K preferably, in which there is a CPD party
Asking for personal recs where there's no big angst or drama (F/K preference)
Asking for laugh-til-you're-stupid totally ridiculous fic recs

Requests from ds_ficfinders:
Found: Kellie Matthews' Playing Wolf
Looking for Fraser remembering RayV's kindness in a story that ends as F/K
Found: Double Vision / Single Truth, by Crysothemis

week 50 2010

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