Title: the "Perils" series
Author: Mazeppa
Pairing: F/K
Rating: NC-17
Length: 80K on average
Why I'm reccing this fic:
This is a series of 6 stories, starting with Perils, and the link below displays them from bottom to top. I know some people have had problems with the occasional typos and characterization in this series, but for the Comfort Challenge, I abide by the "makes you happy" definition.
Whenever I read this series, I get the feel that these guys have gone to Bugs Bunny planet, and they're having a great time there. The different hilariously-named cartoony villains in each story are actually delightful in their own ways, and never fail to bring a smile to my face (or make me snort out loud).
"It's good you're back, Corporal," Dudley continued. "We've been pressed on all fronts on this Whiplash situation."
"Whiplash?" I blurted. "Snidely Whiplash?"
"It seems our quarry has convinced himself that he is a descendant of that persona," Fraser said. "That's why he tied you to that log."
"He thinks I'm Nell?" I demanded. Suddenly I wondered if I was still zoning on the sound of that log and I'd dreamed the last few days. No way my real life had gotten this weird.
However, if that's not enough, maybe the abundance of traditional h/c (lots more on the comfort side than on the hurt) will do it for ya?