Title: Above and Beyond
custardpringlePairing: RayK/Fraser
Rating: PG (maybe. Maybe even G)
Length: short
Why I'm reccing this fic: I am totally using that whole Insta-rec thing because, in order:
1. Benton the student librarian.
2. RayK on the debate team.
3. Gratuitous National Geographic references.
4. Kissing in the stacks.
5. I am all about the library fic this weekend. See #1. And #4.
6. It's shiny and new and maybe, if we all wish really, really, really hard, we'll get a porny sequel.
He looked up from the drawer, a file card in each hand, and was struck for a moment by the sudden, warm grin that spread across the other student's face. He'd stopped pacing to lean his elbows on the desk, glasses pushed up to the top of his head, watching Benton expectantly. The sheer intensity of his expression made Benton go still for a moment.
Oh, dear.
"I'm sorry," he said evenly, replacing one card in the drawer and passing its counterpart back to the other student. "That book is checked out; I'm afraid I can't get it for you."
In an instant the face across from him was serious again. "Great." He slapped a hand down on the counter. "Just-- C'mon, you've gotta have something. I got twelve hours to write about why we shouldn't turn Canada into a giant strip mall."
It took a second to translate that. "Your topic is development of wild spaces?"
"Yep." The look he was getting was almost pleading, now.
Benton considered the situation for a few moments.
For a moment, he was sure he heard his father, clear as if they'd been in the same room: Never go rushing into unknown terrain, son. You have to know your territory first.
Benton was here, though, and his father wasn't. And he felt that, just this once, he could afford to take a risk or two.
Above and Beyond