Bad!Fic challenge by pixiecatfish

Apr 17, 2006 19:12

Title: “Having My Baby”

Prompt: - Fraser and RayK are married!!! and livng n Canada, with Maggie whose carrying their baby!!! But what happens when Ray gets amnesa whille Fraser is out on Patrol?!?!!?! READ AND FIND OUT PLZ REVU

Prompt written by: shoemaster

WARNINGS: 1716 words of bad fic ahead!

Benton Fraser, R.C.M.P., gamboled over the snows of the North West Territories. Though the snows were deep, the Mountie’s snow-shoe clad feet skimmed over them as lightly and gently as a hummingbird’s wings brushing against a just-bloomed flower.

His heart and his spirits were as light as his feet. And why shouldn’t they be? He had the perfect life. Stanley Raymond Kowalski was his life mate, his soul mate, his partner in every way. And soon they would have a brand new bouncing bundle of joy to increase and affirm their love.

Oh, how they had once despaired of having off spring of their very own to love and cherish and mold in their own very different, yet very unique images, that blended as well together as peanut butter and jelly on two fresh slices of wonder bread!

Fraser smiled, and couldn’t help a slight giggle from escaping his lips as he recalled his and Ray’s delight when his sister Maggie had eagerly, generously, and selflessly announced that she would be proud, happy and delighted to carry their baby for them.

Oh, the celebration that had ensued! Ray had broken out a bottle of champagne that he had hidden away for a special occasion, declaring with glowing tears of love and happiness trembling in his limpid blue eyes that if this was not a special occasion then by God, he didn’t know what was!

His tears had been quickly replaced by laughter as Maggie had helped herself to the first glass, declaring that since this was the last time she would be able to have alcohol in at least nine months, she was going to make the most of it!

They had then dissolved into a three-person puddle of hugs and laughter and joy, and while Fraser had only partaken of one token glass of champagne, his Ray and Maggie had managed to finish off the bottle quite nicely.

In the ensuing months, his and Ray’s hopes and dreams and happiness had grown right along with Maggie’s ever-swelling belly.

Due to the, to say the least, rudimentary medical facilities available in the snow-covered wilderness that was their Canadian home, Maggie had not had a sonogram, so Fraser and Ray did not know if the forthcoming bundle of joy was to be a boy or a girl.

And they both liked it that way! The air of mystery and suspense that permeated the pregnancy made it even more exciting, and lent an air of old-fashionedness to the proceedings.

Even though they didn’t know the sex of the baby, they had names all picked out and waiting. If it was a girl, she would be named Caroline Barbara Maggie Fraser Kowalski, and if their child were to be a boy, Damien Robert Vecchio Kowalski Fraser would be welcomed into the world.

Fraser topped a hill and saw the cabin nestled below, beckoning him with its promise of love and happiness and family within. He had been away on patrol nearly four months. Four long, lonely, Ray-less months, and he wasn’t quite sure how he had survived the separation.

He hurried down the hill, his eagerness and anticipation of the reunion with his lover and child-to-be and his sister giving his feet wings.

When he reached the porch, he hastily ripped off his snow shoes and tossed them carelessly aside, then burst through the front door, his cry of “I’m home!” the joyous greeting that flew from his lips.

Ray stood up from the sofa and turned to look at him, a decidedly odd expression on that oh-so-expressive face. Maggie hurried up to him, taking his arm in a loving, yet firm and commanding grip. “Ben,” she whispered urgently.

“In a minute,” Fraser replied, hurrying across the cabin towards his reason for living. He had not had a kiss from Ray in months, and he could not bear to be denied that ruby-red treasure even one second longer.

As he made a beeline towards his lover, Ray backed up a few steps, a look very close to panic crossing his face. “You’re Fraser, right?” he queried.

Fraser laughed. Oh, how his Ray could be such a playful tease! “Of course it’s me! I know I’ve been away a long time, but there is no reason to play that game with me.”

Maggie moved to Ben again, taking his arm in another firm grip, this one overflowing with sisterly love. “Ben,” she said softly and gently, as one would speak to a frail and ailing child, “I’m not sure how to tell you this, but something terrible happened while you were away. Ray has come down with amnesia.”

Ben looked from his sister to his lover, then back again, and another gentle laugh trilled from his lips. “Okay you two, enough is enough! I’m sorry I was gone, but I’m back now until the end of summer. Let me make it up to you.”

He advanced on Ray again, not willing to be denied his prize even one second longer.

Ray gasped and backed away, putting the kitchen table between them. Ben looked from his love back to his sister. “Maggie?” he whispered, his voice suddenly as rough as though someone had taken sandpaper to his vocal cords.

“I’m sorry, Ben,” she said miserably, her eyes downcast.

“Ray?” he whimpered, looking at his lover cowering behind the table, which suddenly seemed as large and foreboding as the Great Wall of China to the trembling Canadian. “You don’t remember me at all?” he choked out. “You don’t remember our wed- our lov- you don’t remember us at all?” he pleaded.

Ray shook his head emphatically. “No.” he said, his voice holding none of the loving, purring, melodious tones that Fraser knew and loved and cherished so well.

“Oh, Ray!” he moaned, and slumped to the floor in a faint.


Ben moaned softly and tried to resist waking up. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t want to wake up, all he knew that something ugly and unpleasant was waiting for him on the other side of the comforting, inky-black abyss in which he now sought refuge.

He moaned again as a cold cloth wiped over his face dragged him closer to reluctant wakefulness.

“Come on, Ben,” a worried voice said, and soft gentle hands took his hands into a soft grip, caressing them with sibling-laden love.

Fraser blinked his eyes open and saw the worry-creased visage of his sister gazing back at him. “Are you okay?” she said gently, increasing her grip on his hands ever so slightly.

Fraser looked over at Ray, who had at least come out from behind the table, but was standing at the furthest end of the couch, staring at him warily, as if wondering what weird and inexplicable thing he was going to do next.

“No!” Fraser exclaimed, as he could no longer hold back the physical and psychic pain of his entire world crashing down around him in shattered pieces of broken dreams. “I am most decidedly not all right!” He burst into sobs, burying his face in his hands, his unhappiness tearing from his body with all the force of an earthquake re-designing the landscape.

Maggie let him cry for just a few moments before she sharply said: “All right, Ben, enough! This wailing and self-pity won’t help anyone. I told Ray that you would have a solution to this dilemma, and you can’t let us down!”

Ben’s tears stopped instantly, as if someone had shut off a faucet. Maggie was right. He was not the real victim here, Ray was. How scared and alone and confused his lover must feel!

And Fraser could not even hold him and give him comfort and love and kisses and hugs to help him through this difficult time. The pain of that thought nearly made Ben swoon again, but he pushed those feelings roughly aside. There would be time for emotions later.

“How long has he been this way?” he asked, his voice all business.

Maggie looked at him, an expression of pride in her brother, and in the RCMP officer that her brother was, writ clearly on her face. “A couple of weeks now,” she said.

Ben struggled to a sitting position, tossing aside the coverlet that had been carefully tucked around him. “Was he in an accident? Did he hit his head?” A wave of panic washed over him. What if his beloved had some kind of head injury?! He could be in great physical danger, even as Ben sat here, feeling sorry for himself!!!

But Maggie quickly calmed those fears with the healing balm of her words. “No,” she said shaking her pretty head in a negative. “He just woke up one morning and couldn’t remember anything. Not me, not you, not the baby, nothing from the last two years.”

“Ohhhhhh,” Ben said, relief and pain coursing through him in equal measure.

“Now that you’re back, I think we should take him to a doctor,” Maggie said.

Ray stood at the end of the couch watching this exchange, the fear and loneliness and sorrow he was feeling not quite hidden on the expressive, beautiful, but oh-so-manly face.

Ben gave him a smile that he hope was reassuring, loving, comforting and non-threatening all at once. “It’s going to be okay,” he said softly, then turned his full attention back to his sister.

“I think a doctor may not be the answer here,” he said.

It was Ray who answered him. “What is the answer?” he blurted, the tough, born-and-bred in Chicago Polish-American cop ringing through his tone.

That made Ben smile. His Ray was not completely lost after all.

“I know you don’t really know me right now,” he paused and cleared his throat as his voice broke from the pain of that statement. “But you’re going to need to trust me.”

He took a deep, shaky, breath. “Maggie, you gather up the spices and pipes and ceremonial robes. Ray, you put on your warmest clothes. I’m going to hitch up the sled dog team.”

He shot to his feet, feeling fully Benton Fraser, R.C.M.P. once more. Fully in charge, totally in command, willing to accept nothing less than the outcome he wanted and deserved.

“We’ve got a Shaman to go see!”


badfic challenge

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