Songfic challenge by Nemi

Aug 13, 2005 00:38

*shy* Hi. This is my first entry in this community.

Title: Don't Let Go
Author: Nemi octoberxsong
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: NC-17.
Summary: It was just supposed to be dinner.

Thank you so much to kimberlyfdr for the amazing beta. I can't stop praising her. *blush*

It was just supposed to be dinner.

But then Ray had looked at him, really looked at him, and something had melted -- given way -- inside Fraser. Eyes bore into him and saw straight to the very core of his soul, and not even if he had wanted to could Fraser have denied the scorching hot feeling that settled in his gut and spread to every part of his body.

After that, it was a blur, really. Hands and clothes and stumbling through the dark, landing on crisp, white covers, as if the bed knew someone would be coming here tonight, and that someone would be touching here tonight.

And now... now...

So much skin. So much skin to take in.



Long fingers on his arms, on his chest, soft lips against his own, and then moving down his jaw to his neck, before pulling back again. Ray's breathing was washing over him, trapping them in this moment, in this little cocoon they'd built for themselves. A refuge from the hurried lives they both usually led. A sanctuary from the city and its harsh lights and dark alleys. Fraser slid his hands down the other man's arms, lacing their fingers together and unlacing them again to run his fingertips across sensitive palms -- then back up to dance with Ray's own, slender digits. A moan, a prayer, and Fraser leaned forward, kissing what he could reach; lips, shoulders, neck, chest, hands, and their fingers, still dancing with each other.

He'd never felt like this, not since -- no, not even since, but just not ever.

He barely even knew the man's real name, had only learnt it a few hours earlier from a case file he'd hastily peeked at and then brought to the lieutenant's office.

He wanted to know more.

Fraser wanted to know everything about this man who could make his entire world flip in seconds, who could start a fire in him with only a look. He wanted to know how he took his coffee, what he did when he got out of bed in the morning, what he ate for dinner, and what he did when loneliness threatened to claim him. He wanted to know this man, and hold him, and never let go of him, ever again. The connection was overwhelming, so powerful, that he felt it surge in him, and it scared him. Fraser felt like he'd been waiting for something his entire life, but had not realized it until he met Ray. Fraser felt good, Fraser felt right, and for the first time since leaving Canada to bring his father's killers to justice, Fraser felt -- home.

Ray's eyes locked with his, and then their hands were drifting apart as Ray was turning, slowly, offering himself to Fraser and turning to look over his shoulder with heat in his gaze. So much heat. Like molten lava, threatening to swallow Fraser whole and drowning him. Ray was shaking, Ray was nervous, but trusted Fraser enough to do this. It couldn't possibly be real. But it was. And Fraser wasn't sure he would ever want to resurface again.

Fraser prepared him slowly, kissing at his neck and shoulders and back... So beautiful. And then Fraser was sliding in, impossibly hot, impossibly tight, and he was in, he was there, and Ray was--

Ray was turning once again to look at him over his shoulder, sweet smile spreading across his lips, before his eyes fluttered shut in pleasure. He put his head back down when Fraser started to thrust, trembling in bliss, and Fraser stifled a groan as the other man clenched tightly around him... So hot.. Slide -- slide -- slow...

Ray's hands were clutching at the sheet, slowly, rhythmically, and Fraser reached out, took his hand in his own, wove their fingers together. Let his skin speak for him, let it sing. Watched Ray. He was moving, squirming, moaning, so slowly it made Fraser's heart ache, and it was so good, so right! He had his eyes closed, blonde hair golden and skin covered lightly in sweat, shining a little in the dim light. Fraser's eyes blurred at the sheer beauty of it all. And then the warm body spasmed under him, beneath him, around him, and he was falling, falling, falling, fingers squeezing hard, and he never wanted to let go...

When Fraser came to himself, he still hadn't let go of Ray's hand.

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