Nothing Else Matters: Chapter 3

Jan 17, 2009 02:28

I suck, yes I know. Life just gets in the way like it does and has prevented me from updating my story.
As for tonight's episode, I needed WAY more Slexie than we got. After waiting for so long, I think we at least deserved some form of touching.
Anyways, here is tonight's update. Hope you enjoy it! :D
And just a reminder, Lexie and Mark still havent slept together in this story.

Mark Sloan does not like being preoccupied with thoughts of Little Grey running through his mind. It made his mind wander when he should have been paying attention to his job. The one where people's lives were in his hands. But instead, his thoughts drifted toward his hands being on a certain brown haired intern.

“Why doesn’t Meredith like it when you call me Little Grey?”

He felt his heart leap up into his throat and then quickly drop to the floor.
That was another thing he hated about being preoccupied; it gave pesky little interns the chance to sneak up on him.

“I’m gonna need to put a bell around your neck, Lassie. I need a warning when you decide to come out of nowhere.”

Mark stealthily looked around for Derek or Meredith. It would be very bad if he was caught talking to Lexie Grey.

“What do you want? And it better not be something pathetic about O’Malley.” The thought of the new resident was making him surprisingly angry.

“Why doesn’t Meredith like you calling me Little Grey?’

“I have no idea,” Liar, he thought to himself “maybe she’s jealous.”

“Of me?” When Lexie shakes her head and chuckles in disbelief, he frowns. Did she really have that low of a self esteem?

“Why is that funny?”

“I’m just an intern. An alone, lonely intern on probation for almost killing someone. No one likes having me around. I don’t even like having me around.”

“I like having you around” As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted them. The last thing he needed to do was tell Little Grey of all people, that he liked her.

“What?” He took a quick peek at her face and noticed her eyes had that deer caught in headlights look to them.

“As far as interns go, you’re not half bad. It’s mostly that photographic memory of yours. Very useful.” He quickly says but that doesn't stop the smile getting wider on her face

“Don’t let it get to your head Little Grey.”

“I’m not”

The next five minutes were spent in silence, making them the longest five mintues of his life. Mark tried to pay attention to the chart he was currently working but he found his body was very focused on the warm body next to him. He wished Lexie would just ramble in the way she does so he could forget the comment he let slip.

“You said mostly” Lexie suddenly blurt out.


“When you said you liked me, you said it was mostly because of my photographic memory.”

“Your point?” Crap, he thought. Sometimes he wished she didn't pay such good attention.

“Mostly isn’t completely. I’m not letting it get to my head but, why else do you like me?”

“I’m not allowed to tell you”

“Why not?”

“Because Derek and Meredith don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Derek and Meredith? What do they have to do with this?”

“Meredith thinks you’re a secret cutter, so you must be fragile and vulnerable and apparently I’m the demon spawn who shouldn’t be around you.”

“That’s ridiculous”

“So you’re not a cutter?”

“No, I’m not. But that’s not what I meant by ridiculous.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“You’re not demon spawn. Admittedly you’re no saint, but you’re not evil.”

This was one of the moments where Mark knew that he couldn't get invovled with Lexie Grey. She was too naive for her own good sometimes.

“You don’t know me”

“I might not know your past, but I know you.”

“I slept with my best friend’s wife.”

“Yet you and Dr. Shepherd are still best friends. People make mistakes. But you did the most important thing; you made it right in the end.”

Mark shakes his head and opens his mouth to disagree but Lexie cut him off.

“An evil person wouldn’t have let a little girl sleep on their shoulder. An evil person wouldn’t take such good care of their patients like I’ve seen you do. And an evil person definitely wouldn’t have sat with me in Joe’s when I was sitting alone.”

“Don’t read too much into it. I just came in for a drink; you were sitting next to the only empty chair.”

“But you didn’t have to stay and talk to me." Mark watches as her face suddenly turns soft. "You made me laugh and made me forget why I was so sad in the first place.”

Mark frowned. He didn't like hearing that she was unhappy or sad.

“Why were you sad?”

“I invited George for celebratory drinks after he passed his intern exam but he blew me off. Yes, I know I’m pathetic.” She rolled her eyes.

In that moment, he regretted calling her pathetic. It wasn't her fault O'Malley was blind to what was in front of him.

“You’re not pathetic anymore. George is just an idiot.”

“Would an evil person be trying to make me feel better right now?” Lexie said with a knowing smile.

He realizes he’s in dangerous territory and changes subject, “So if you’re not a cutter, why does Meredith think you are?”

“Well, you know I’m on probation-” Mark nodded, “For almost killing another intern” he finished.

“Yeah, well before that, me and the other interns were practicing on ourselves.”


Lexie rolls up her sleeves and shows him her scars, “That’s how I knew the pulley stitch.”

Mark takes her arm and slowly runs his fingers over the scars, but when realizes what he’s doing, he quickly drops her arm.

“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard...understandable...but dumb.”

“So now that you know I’m not fragile or vulnerable, can you tell me why you like me?”


“You’re pathetic”

He turned to face her with an eyebrow raised. She was the only intern in the entire hospital that was not afraid of telling him what she thought. That was one of the reasons why he liked her so much. But like her or not, he wasn't going to let some intern talk to him like that in this hospital.

“I’m your boss. You can’t talk to me like that.”

“Sorry,” Lexie smirks and then mutters under her breath, “it’s true though.”

“No it isn’t” He retorted like a five year old.

“When you like someone, tell them. Life’s too short....sound familiar?”

He cursed her photographic memory. She remembered way too much.

“You already know I like you.”

“Tell me why”

"No." He said and turned his back to her.

Mark decides that maybe if he ignores her, she would drop the conversation, but he could feel her eyes burning a hole into his back. He sighs when he realizes she wasn't going to go away. Turning around to face her, he smirks at the way she's standing with her hands on her hips.

“If you think I’m gonna stand here and recite love poems to you, forget it. I like you. That’s all you’re getting.”

Lexie just smiles at him before uttering “Pathetic”

“Shut up” Mark snatches his papers and walks away but not before he calls over his shoulder “See if I let you scrub in on my surgeries.”

“You will cause you like me!” she calls out laughing.

Lexie laughs louder as she watches him come to a standstill before continuing down the hall.

Reviews are nice :D
( next chapter)

char: mark sloan, fanfiction, author: drzlilsuga, pairing: lexie/mark, series: nothing else matters, tv: grey's anatomy, char: lexie grey

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