'Lerrgic [Drabble]

Jun 01, 2008 01:44

Title: ‘Lerrgic
Rating: G (I've never done this rating before, but whatever. It’s pure fucking fluff, okay?)
Author: Moi, blackeyedwicca
Pairing: John/Bobby
Chapter: Drabble
Summary: Six year old Bobby’s allergic to flowers. John helps.
Beta: The lovely theghostofher
Disclaimer: Do not own. Sorry folks :P
Dedication: openedbook for requesting this.
A/N: This is the prompt ‘flower’ from my prompt table. If anybody would like to prompt me feel free, just go here and follow the guidelines: My Prompt Tables ^^ (And also, technically I know this should be at night but, fuck it, I don't care. It's too perfect the way it is xD)

Alright, so this idea appeared and I couldn’t ignore it and all it’s fluffyness… so sorry if this isn’t your cup of tea… and I also know it breaks a few X-men rules/timelines (such as they didn’t know each other at this age and that they wouldn’t have had their powers) but humour me, okay? Its cute god damn it! Lol.

Also sorry I haven’t been around this community much, heh. *sweatdrop*


The sound of sniffling was heard seconds before a large sneeze followed it.

A little boy with short blonde hair was rubbing his watering eyes and sniffling as he sat under a tree, in a deserted park… well, apart from the boy lying next to him.

The slightly larger boy beside him had shaggy brown hair and was playing with a box of matches - that he had swiped off his uncle - while occasionally flicking his eyes to watch the other boy.

After a minute had passed, in which the blonde boy had sneezed six times, the brunette frowned before asking, his words carefully chosen for someone so young, “Why do you keep sneezing Bobby?”

Bobby sniffled again, rubbing his nose. “’he ’lowers make me ‘neeze, ‘ohn”

John frowned. “Why?”

“’lerrgic,” Bobby answered.

Looking out over the flowers that practically surrounded them, John’s frown deepened before he stood up and with a flick of a match; a fireball had formed in his hand.

Grinning, he leant down and slowly burnt all the flowers around them, going through nearly half the box to do so.

When he was done, he turned back to Bobby and smiled when the blonde boy looked at him in pure happiness.

“Why did ‘ou do that, John?” He asked, his sinuses already starting to clear.

Holding out his hand for Bobby to take, he replied, “Because I did. Now let’s go to the swings?”

Bobby smiled and happily took John’s hand as he was tugged towards the park’s playground.

Their fingers linked as they walked while John made sure to char any flowers that got in their way, making Bobby’s smile widen every time.

rating: g, author: blackeyedwicca, title: l, fiction: drabble

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