Drabble-ish Fic Dump: Baggy Clothes, Return, Swimming, Rain

May 30, 2008 21:08

Title: Baggy Clothes
Pairing: B/J if you squint and turn it sideways while doing a headstand underwater in NYC.

Rating: G


John easily slipped out of his jeans in the locker room without unbuttoning them, then pulled off his light blue and brown button up with the same ease.

"Hey John, I’ve been wondering." Bobby said as he undressed as well,

"What’s that, Bobby?"

"Why are your clothes always too big on you?"

"I’m not exactly the biggest person you’ve ever met."

"John, why would you buy clothes that are too big for you in the first place?" Bobby asked, looking over the other as he put on gym shorts and a white tee,

"I didn’t." John stated plainly, sitting down to replace his flip-flops with sneakers,

"That doesn’t make sense."

"It makes perfect sense. I’ve never bought clothes that’re too big for me."

"Then how did you get them?" John glared up at Bobby,

"Foster kids don’t have mommies and daddies to buy them nice things." he growled, leaving the other teen behind.



Title: Return
Pairing: B/J
Rating: PG-13 for implications.



"John’s back?" Rogue asked, clearly unaware that the teen had been gone in the first place.

"Yeah. From visiting his foster mother in Baltimore. He left Friday, was gone all weekend." Jubilee explained.

"That explains why it’s been so quiet."

"It also explains why Bobby abandoned us an hour ago," Jubilee said. Previously, the three had been in the cafeteria and Bobby got a text message, then ran off suspiciously. Rogue sighed, "Rogue, dear, remember, they’re boys. Bro’s before ho’s." Marie scoffed at Jubilee’s comment as they headed toward the boys’ dorm


"Missed you." Bobby muttered as he separated from John for a moment, only for the fire mutant to kiss him again. John slowly moved down Bobby’s jaw to his neck.

"Mmm..." Came John’s half-hearted response as he pulled away, sitting back in front of Bobby against the pillows on his bed.

"Did you think about me while you were gone?" Bobby asked, smirking. He wouldn’t act like this around anyone else.

"Bobby, I fantasized about you while I was gone." John practically purred,

"Good." Bobby said, straddling the other and running his hands down the warmer mutant’s chest over the semi-tight green polo he was wearing.


Jubilee knocked on the door briskly, "John, Bobby’s girlfriend desires attention." She said. Jubilee and Rogue had never really gotten along, but she knew John would kill her if she didn’t help to keep his secret. Moments later, Bobby moved into the hall,

"Hey, Rogue." he smiled, taking her hand. As he walked away he glanced back and gave a gratuitous smile and nod to the other girl.



Title: Swimming

Pairing: B/J

Rating: PG



"John, It’s one am." Bobby sharply whispered as he and the aforementioned teen snuck down to the basement of the school,

"Yeah, but it’s hot." John whined.

"So you keep reminding me." Bobby groaned as the two of them reached an intersection. John looked left and right, then turned to the left as Bobby cured his lack of sense of direction. They passed the danger room and made a right turn, then Bobby pulled him inside a double door.

"Found it." John said, smiling as they approached the side of the Olympic sized swimming pool. The lights in the large room were off, but the lights on the bottom of the pool remained on, giving the water a bright glow, leaving the room in near twilight. Bobby watched the slightly waving water lap at the sides of the pool, spilling over slightly and became fixated on the gentle motion, and then there was a splash and he was spattered with water. He looked over and saw John skillfully swimming beneath the water, his gray teen and red plaid pyjama pants still covering his slim form.

"John!" Bobby said once the other surfaced, "Your clothes"

"So?" John shrugged and swam back to the edge where Bobby sill stood.

"We are going to get in so much trouble for this."

"We’re already in trouble. Just get in, it feels incredible." John said, holding on to the edge and looking up at Bobby. Bobby watched him, smiling at the way the gray tee, once above the water, showed off John’s every line. Bobby crouched down and whispered,

"John, if Summers finds out you’re gonna lose privileges fore he field trip tomorrow."

"Well, Bobby," John whispered back and grabbed the other’s wrist gently, "I don’t plan on getting caught." He said, tugging sharply on Bobby’s arm, pulling the other into the water. Bobby felt his feet touch bottom and propelled himself up hard through twelve feet of water, (I know this is unrealistic, but whatever.)

"Shit!" He gasped after surfacing. John, on the other hand, was beaming. "What was that for?!" John shrugged still smiling, then tapped Bobby on the shoulder,

"Tag, you’re it." He said, before diving under the surface and swimming away quickly. It surprised Bobby how well the fire mutant swam. John surfaced again and looked at him, swimming closer slowly, "You coming, or what?" He asked, reaching out his hand. Bobby just stared for a moment then spoke up,

"If you can’t beat him, join ‘im." He said, quickly swimming toward John, who made to retreat. But Bobby was smarter than that, a small fact that John overlooked, and the cooler teen reached out his arm, creating a column of ice around John. John felt raound him and kit the sid of the, for all intensive purposes, tube and made a slight crack, but upon hitting it again, couldn’t break it. He smiled and shook his head, then surfaced.

"Definitely not fair." John spoke, wiping some wet hair from in front of his eyes and leaning over the several inch thick wall of ice.

"And how, may I ask, is it not fair?"

"Because you can use your powers and I can’t."

"Pfff. That makes it unfair."

"Duh." John said. There was a silence filled with only the lapping of water up and down in the pool. "This is cold..." John mused, leading them into silence again. Bobby began to swim away. "Hey!" John called, jumping over the ice and swimming after him. Easily the faster swimmer, John caught up to his friend and grabbed on to them, pulling him to the surface.

"Hey, John." Bobby said, his lips twisting into a smirk. John was shivering slightly and they were close enough that their chests were touching as they treaded water. "Cold?" He said, swimming over to the edge and climbing out of the pool. "Let’s go back."

"You’ll have to catch me first!" John yelled gleefully. Bobby wondered how john could always be so passionate about everything he did.

"Come on, John, it’s cold, lets go back to bed!"

"As soon as you come get me, we can go." John said. So Bobby jumped back iin and swam close to John,

"Happy? Now lets-" Bobby was cut off as john hissed him fiercely, submerging the two of them underwater once more.



Title: Rain

Pairing: B/J

Rating: PG-13



Pitor stumbled in the front door of the mansion, soaked to the bone. "Jesus."

"‘S it raining, Pete?" John asked sarcastically.

"Hell yes. I got soaked just walking in from the car."

"That hard?" John asked, pulling aside one of the drapes and looking out the door. Rain was coming down in sheets, it was thundering and flashing lightning. "Woah." John said, his eyes lighting up.

"Don’t even think about it, Allerdyce." Came Summers’ voice from the stairs,

"Think about what?" Bobby and rogue chimed in, on their way to the game room.

"This." John said simply, grabbing Bobby’s hand and running out into the summer storm

The rain beat down on the two male teens as John pulled Bobby out to the edge of the grounds. Once they were a decent distance from the school, John let go of Bobby and jumped up and down in a puddle in his bare feet, splashing mud on his jeans.

"What the hell is wrong with you John?!" Bobby yelled over the sound of the rain hitting the trees and dripping to the soft earth. John was grinning lie a fool as he turned to face Bobby,

"I have no fucking idea." he said, quietly, looking at his best friend as his smile began to fade. They stood like that, staring at each other appreciatively and smiling slightly as they grew colder with the onslaught of rain. Wet footsteps were running toward them

"You two are idiots, you could have been-" But john didn’t hear the rest. He reached up and put his hand on Bobby’s chin, pulling him into a lingering kiss.

Bobby, pardon the pun, froze. Rain, footsteps, John, kissing. His mind flashed in and out of conscious thoughts and from one subject to another sporadically. Bare feet, lightning, first kiss, John, parents, gay, ice, Xavier, Rogue, warmth, hands, John’s smile. As he and John separated he felt slightly reluctant, and scared, he was shaking now,

"You guys are gonna get struck by lightening." Pitor was dragging them toward the mansion now. John pulled his arm away and ran ahead, and as Bobby realized what was going on, he too pulled away and went inside.

NOTE: I have the idea for the Epilogue of 'Further Down The Road' all laid out. However I keep gettng distracted by sidestorys for it, but It should be up sometime in the next two weeks. I have SATS bext weekend, so I'll do my best.

title: b, rating: g, rating: pg-13, title: r, rating: pg, title: s, fiction: drabble

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