Festive Drabbles

Dec 26, 2007 17:35

Happy holidays! I hope everyone is enjoying the festive period. I thought I'd try and spread some joy with some Christmas John/Bobby drabbles. Enjoy!

Title: Remember December

Rating: PG
Words: 161
Notes: For drabbles100, prompt "solstice".

( John has always hated the days growing shorter, the nights growing longer. )

Title: Penned

Rating: PG
Words: 229
Notes: For drabbles100, prompt "Christmas".

( Bobby is home for the holidays. )

Title: Powder

Rating: PG
Words: 154
Notes: For drabbles100, prompt "snow".

( Snowball fights aren’t uncommon around the Mansion. )

title: p, fiction: drabbles, title: r, rating: pg, author: salmon_pink

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