Eleven ways X2 and two ways X3 didn't go part Two

Dec 24, 2007 20:53

TITLE:Eleven ways X2 and two ways X3 didn't go

AUTHOR/ARTIST: smaragdbird


PAIRING:John/Bobby Bobby/Rogue hinted Rogue/Logan or other pairings are possible

SUMMARY and/or WARNINGS: the title is pretty self-explanatory, I think.

NOTES:My take on the X2-AU Challenge, though it's only the first part. Oh and if someone wants to take one of my rather short AU's and write them further just give me notice beforehand, okay?
I only own the German dub of the movie so the dialogues are translated as
good as I could.

A big thank you to all my reviewers!!! XOXO

4. Home sweet home

‘Guys, we need to help him!’ shrieked Rogue, stopping both Bobby and John in their running.

‘He can manage on his own.’ John put in, fixing his eyes on Bobby as did Rogue.


But he shook his head. She gave him a look that expressed disappointment, hurt and disbelief but didn’t say anything, before she turned around.

John, however, mentally cheered, which must have shown n his face because Bobby said while they continued to run:

‘Wipe that grin off your face. This wasn’t about your or her.’

For John, it was.

They reached the garage without any complications. John decided against one of the fancy cars, though he regretted that but they were too flashy for an escape from the military.

He slid on the driver’s seat and successfully hotwired the car.

‘I’m not going to ask where you learned that.’ Bobby commented dryly.

‘I wouldn’t have told you anyway.’ John replied.

‘So where are we going?’

‘Storm said something about her and Doctor Grey being in Boston tonight.’ Bobby told with an uneasy undertone in his voice. As John shot him an odd look, he replied defiantly:


‘Your family lives in Boston, don’t they?’ John asked without taking his eyes from the road.


‘We could stay there.’

‘And what am I ought to tell them if I turn up at home in the middle of the semester in my sleeping clothes with my equally clothed boyfriend?’

‘The truth?’

‘It’s not that easy.’

‘The mansion is outed as an mutant school in the breakfast news anyway. I would tell them before they get it told by the TV.’

Bobby turned angrily at him:

‘So mister good-advice why don’t you tell how your parents did manage with your mutation?’

‘They shrugged at it.’ John grinned:’ Until I torched by sister’s hair for taking my shirt without asking.’

‘What did they do?’

John shrugged:

‘They didn’t have to anything. I ran away on the same day.’ He looked lost in thoughts for a moment but then his usual grin returned:’ So Bobby, appreciate and learn from your master.’

Bobby doubled over laughing at John’s cocky expression.

John parked the car in front of a nice one family house, which lay in a neighbourhood that reminded him of his own home.

He shuddered as his bare feet touched the asphalt, but followed Bobby into the house, while clicking his lighter.

‘Don’t burn anything.’ Bobby reminded him, before he called: ‘Mom? Dad? Ronnie? Are you home?’ But no one answered.

‘Come on, I’ll find some clothes.’ Bobby said and took two steps at once on the stairs.

Bobby’s room was not that different from his side of their room in the mansion: snowboarding posters on the walls, tidy but still somehow chaotic, because Bobby’s things were organized but he seemed to have an aversion to every cupboard that wasn’t a wardrobe, since his stuff was cluttered over every surface in the whole room.

‘Here.’ Bobby pulled John from his contemplation of his room with a touch of his hand. In the other he held a brown long-sleeve shirt and a black sweat trousers. John pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor.

‘Maybe they’re a bit too long.’ Bobby blushed( for whatever reason) and the events of the last night finally fell into pace in John’s head. He grabbed Bobby by his shirt and pressed his lips to his. Bobby was taken by surprise but he didn’t fight the kiss. His hands threaded into john# hair and he pulled him closer as if that was possible.

The kiss was rough, hard and it had an feeling of finality in it. John knew that Bobby had made a decision.

His hands slid under Bobby shirt, over his chest, pressed against the skin. He wanted more, more and more of Bobby, everything but everything wasn’t quite enough. One of Bobby’s hands left its place in John’s hair and slid down his spine underneath the waistband of his sleeping shorts and

A door opened well audible downstairs.

Bobby and John let go of each other rather unwilling, but Bobby smiled happily at John and gripped his hand tightly.

‘Mom! Dad!’ Bobby called as he and John went downstairs.

‘Bobby!’ His mother exclaimed shocked and surprised: ‘Why are you not in school? And who’s this boy?’

‘This is John, he’s from school.’ Bobby made a short pause: ‘I’ve got something to tell you’

They sat on the sofa, opposite Bobby’s mother and father. His brother Ronny stood by the window.

‘You have to understand, Bobby. We thought that you were on a school for gifted.’ Bobby’s father said.

‘Bobby can make flowers of ice. That’s more impressive than remembering the first 300 decimal places of pi.’ John tossed in.

‘Of course.’ Bobby’s father answered quickly and Bobby’s mother said: ‘We still love you, Bobby. It’s only that this mutant problem is a bit…’ she made a pause: ‘Complicated. Especially now, when the military looks for you.’

Ronny practically ran out of the room. Bobby’s mother looked sad.

‘This is al my fault.’ She sighed.

‘Actually, they've discovered that males are the ones who carry the mutant gene and pass it on. So - it's his fault.’ John pointed at Bobby’s father and received a nudge in the ribs from Bobby.

‘What? You know it’s true.’ He whispered furiously.

‘That’s not the point John.’ Bobby argued back in a low voice: And cut that out.’ He wrapped his hand around John’s, which still snapped his lighter open and closed.

An awkward silence followed until Bobby’s mother got up: ‘Bobby, you could show your friend around until the lunch is ready. You two have to be hungry.’

They returned to Bobby’s room but as they heard voices from downstairs. Bobby frowned but sat down on the stair and took John’s free hand between his as he listened.

‘There’s something fishy going on.’ That was Bobby’s father.

‘Will, he’s still Bobby. He would never lie to us.’

‘He lied to us about the school About what he and his friends are.’

‘He never lied, he just didn’t say everything. He wanted to protect us.’

‘Fine, but do you believe his story? The military would not arrest children without a reason.’
‘He’s our son. Do you want to extradite our son?’

‘No, of course not. What do think of me, Madeline? I only said that I’m suspicious, not of Bobby but his friend. He doesn’t like the kind of boy I want to see Bobby associate with.’
‘He’s rather … self-conscious but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad boy. I think Bobby is responsible enough not to associate himself with the wrong people.’

‘I’ll keep an eye on him, though. I don’t trust him.’

John tugged at Bobby’s hands.

‘Come on, Bobby, we should go.’

They tiptoed into Bobby’s room. John closed the door behind them and watched Bobby silently as he punched a wall.

‘Damn.’ Bobby choked out and fell down on his bed. He looked so hurt and exhausted that it pained John to see him like that. Bobby was supposed to be happy and smiling all the time. He was supposed to believe in goodness and justice. He wasn’t supposed to lie on his bed in his childhood-room with tears streaming down his face because his parents were afraid and suspicious of him.

John left his position at the door, crossed the room, sat down next to Bobby and wrapped his arms around him. He had never comforted anyone in is life but he remembered how his mother had done it and so he rocked Bobby in his arms and whispered soothingly to him, words he would never have sat in any other situation.

5.The silence that screams

Bobby was woken by the unnatural silence that surrounded him. The school was never silent and neither was John, whose snores could bring down walls and were one of the reasons why Kitty had moved in with Piotr. Not that Bobby would ever tell him that, he wasn’t suicidal.

He opened his eyes only to close them immediately gain because the sun light hurt him and made the headache that came back with full force only worse. His neck hurt as if a bee had stung him there and the events of last night still were fuzzy, plus thinking made the headache grow.

‘Bobby?’ Someone asked. Bobby was pretty sure that the voice belonged to John but the noise made his head hurt and he winced.

‘Welcome back to the living.’ Bobby could see John smirk even though he couldn’t really see him, but he knew that John was smirking. The rest was drowned out because Bobby covered his ears with his hands. He felt the mattress dip under additional weight and John removed his hands from his ears.

‘How are you?’

‘It hurts.’ Bobby said in a pitiful voice. John sighed dramatically.

‘You want some painkillers?’


After John had handed him three pills, a glass of water and waited for five minutes, Bobby finally felt able to open his eyes. He looked around. It was their room but the sun was up and the mansion was awfully quiet. He frowned something was wrong.

John looked awful: he had an nasty bruise on his forehead and several cuts all over his arms and face plus some dark stains on his t-shirt. Some of them were grime and some were dark red like dried blood. Bobby stared at John’s chest.

‘What happened yesterday night?’

‘You can’t remember?’ Bobby shook his head.

‘The military invaded school. Shot everyone they could find. Piotr managed to escape with most of the kids. You ran towards me through the crowd and yelled something. Then a window burst and you had that dart in your neck. I dragged you into a closet and waited until I was sure they were gone. You were unconscious the whole time.’

‘You now something about the others?’ About Rogue, wasn’t spoken but Bobby could as well have said it.

‘Nothing. We’re on our own Bobby-boy.’

‘But hey will return, right?’

‘God, Bobby! Did that anaesthetic mess up your brain that much? I. Don’t. Know.’

Bobby rolled his eyes. John apparently was fine.

‘I’m going to take a shower.’ He announced: ‘Want to join me? No one’s here, we could be as loud as we want.’ John cocked his head suggestively.

‘You only ever think about sex, don’t you?’

‘No, I don’t. I was merely thinking about a back wash but you with your untouchable girlfriend have to be yearning for a good fuck.’

‘John.’ It sounded pained but John didn’t react to that.

‘She’s hot. I’d do her.’

‘You’d do everyone half-way good-looking, so that doesn’t say much.’ Bobby countered.

‘Are you calling me a slut?’ John loomed dangerously close over Bobby. Bobby grinned.

‘I do.’ That was a mistake. John may be smaller and lighter than Bobby but when his fingers attacked Bobby’s stomach, Bobby was a laughing, squealing and helpless mass beneath him.
‘Sto...Stop, Jo…Johnny...please…stop.’ Bobby managed to get out while John tickled him merciless.

‘Say you’re sorry.’


‘Say it.’

‘I…m sorr..soryyyyy.’ Bobby shrieked. John fell on the bed, next to him and grinned.

‘That was unfair.’ Bobby complained as soon as he could breathe normally again.

‘All’s fair in true love and war.’ John replied. Bobby squirmed around so he could look at John and asked:

‘What else did happen last night?’

‘It doesn’t matter.’ John said sternly. He traced Bobby’s bottom lip with his thumb. Bobby carefully took his hand between his own.

‘I fucked up.’ It felt like a confession even though he merely stated a fact. John shrugged.

‘I’m not the one you’ve hurt.’ But John was fire and fire wasn’t known for decency. It didn’t hide and neither did John’s emotions. He couldn’t lie, at least not when he was burning inside.

‘I love her:’ John made a movement as if he wanted to move away but Bobby held on tight:

‘I need you. I need you like I need my lungs or my heart. You don’t love your lungs or your heart. You take them for granted until suddenly something is wrong and you see how much you took for granted.’

John looked at him and he looked like he was debating with himself whether or not he should say something. In the end he did:

‘I wanted to kill you.’ He said: ‘I swore to myself if I would ever saw you kissing her, risking your life just to be with her, I would kill you.’

They silently lay next to each other for a long time after that.

6. The art of being nice

‘Why are you such a jerk?’ Asked boy number one furiously.

‘Yeah, why’re you such a jerk?’ repeated his companion.

‘Because I want to.’ John grinned as he saw Bobby roll his eyes.

‘Can I have a light?’

John flipped his lighter opened and draw a flame. He looked at it for a moment before he snapped his lighter shut.

‘Sorry, guys, can’t help you.’ He laughed.

‘John. Do you have to?’

‘What? Oh, come on Bobby, I know you’re getting excited.’ John ignored the two idiots for a moment to give Bobby his most smug expression.

‘I’m not getting excited. I just wanted to have a good time with you but you have to ruin everything, don’t you?’

‘I’m just saying you should loosen up…Hey!’ The first guy had taken his lighter and lighted his cigarette with it, while standing behind his friend.

‘You’re not so cool now.’ The second guy said and the first dared John with a drag of his cigarette. Bobby suppressed a sigh. He knew what his boyfriend would do now, but he was feeling eye to eye with John in that matter and didn’t try to stop him.

A small grin spread over John’s face, he blinked with one eye and before anyone could react the first guy was on fire. John laughed at the panicked reaction of the two idiots and Bobby, who would’ve maybe grinned if they weren’t in a very public place and if he wasn’t supposed to be the responsible one in this relationship, left his chair and spread ice over the fire to extinguish it. The guy’s eyes went wide in shock and suddenly the scene froze completely.

‘Nice trick, Iceman.’ John commented and grabbed his lighter back.

‘This wasn’t me.’ Bobby was slightly irritated. He looked around: the whole room was frozen in time except for John and him.

‘No, that was me.’ The Professor wheeled towards them. Bobby blushed in shame, but John didn’t look the slightest bit concerned.

‘And if you want to show off again, don’t.’ John still didn’t look concerned but at least he also didn’t look smug or self-satisfied anymore.

‘…an attack on the president which was the work of one or more mutants..’ the news cast announced. All three of them looked up to the screen.

‘It’s better if we’re going now.’ The professor said and neither boy protested.

After the return to the mansion, Bobby got the chance to spend some time with Rogue, who was very excited that Logan had called and promised her he’d be back today, and John got a talk with the Professor about proper behaviour outside the school, which left him annoyed and unnerved.

‘If we bring up the world against us, they will take longer until they accept us as a part of their society.’ John ranted as he came through the door of their room. Bobby laid on his bed and read a book. He didn’t even look up.

‘And you need to control yourself, Mr. Allerdyce or you may hurt someone you didn’t intend to.’ John huffed and clicked furiously with his lighter.

‘He’s right.’ Was Bobby’s uninterested comment on that matter. He had lived too long with John and knew him too well to discuss with him when it wasn’t absolutely necessary.

‘Where’s your loyalty?’ Asked John in hurt tone: ‘Am I your boyfriend or is he?’

‘You now, John. You’re playing that boyfriend-card way to often to have any success with it anymore.’ Bobby replied, still engrossed in his book.

Steps were heard that crossed the room and then John placed himself over Bobby’s back.

‘You always get you reward from me, though.’ He purred. Bobby’s reaction was moving his hand as if he wanted to wave away a fly.

‘You’re wasting your time, Johnny.’ Bobby replied mildly amused: ‘I’m going to read this book and nothing will distract me from it, not even you.’

‘You want to bet on that?’ John asked suggestively while his hand slipped underneath Bobby’s shirt and his fingernails scraped over Bobby’s stomach. But Bobby just laughed, shook his head and stood of the bed.

‘Sorry, Johnny but some of us don’t want to fail in literature.’

‘What do mean with that?’ pouted John: ‘I’m top of the class in literature.’

‘Of course.’ Mocked Bobby.

‘Hey!’ John jumped off the bed and tackled bobby so he could pin him down on his own.

He straddled Bobby while he pinned his arms above his head.

‘Distracting enough?’ He asked and caressed Bobby’s neck with his lips.

‘It always has to be your way, hasn’t it?’

‘If you’re hinting at the two jerks in the café…I know it turns you on when I’m playing the bad boy.’ John whispered against Bobby’s ear.

‘Fuck me.’ Bobby said hoarsely and true to John’s word, yes he found it hot when John played the bad boy but hell if he would tell him that.

‘I can do that.’ John answered: ‘Or I could be as mean as you’ve been to me and just ignore you.’

‘You’re sure you want to do that?’ Bobby finally let go of his book and managed to get on hand free from John’s grip, which he slipped downwards over his chest and underneath the waistband of his jeans. His eyes closed and he moaned.

‘You’re evil.’ John grinned smugly and pressed his lips to Bobby’s while his hand joined Bobby’s free one.

In a few hours Bobby would sit in the kitchen and chat with Logan, while John would be fast asleep in their room and nothing extraordinary would happen.

title: e, rating: pg-13, challenge: x2 au, author: smaragdbird

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