New drabble...

May 14, 2006 23:06

Title: Paradisiac
Author: Ku
Pairing: St. John/Bobby (hinted at)
Rating: G
Summary: Prompted; Dust - Light - Grass
Notes: This is something new for me. I NEVER write fluff. Hence why it's a little rough. Props go to my sister, for providing me with the prompts and to my General Studies exam, for making me feel guilty for writing this rather than revising. Enjoy!

They’re lying outside together, in those last few hours before day turns into night. Everything is summery and hazy, even the sun itself, shaded with oranges and reds bleeding into each other. Johnny can feel the grass through his shirt, poking through the thin fabric, sharp and coarse. He rolls onto his side and realizes that Bobby has fallen asleep, as their chatter trailed off into companionable silence. The fading light adds shadows and angles to the other boys face and Johnny notices facets and complexities that he’s never seen before and for once, everything just feels so right.

When he looks up, right into the sun, he can see all the little specks of dust that filter down, the ones that you never notice unless you’re completely unfocused. The ones that you can never find if you’re looking for. He looks at them, spiralling down and thinks ‘Make this moment last forever’.

rating: g, title: p, fiction: drabbles, author: _cland3st1n3

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