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May 11, 2006 22:29

Title: Prelude
Author: Me AKA Niko
Pairing: St. John/Bobby (Pyro/Iceman)
Rating: Pg (for now ;op)
Notes: Don't own them, otherwise they'd be tied to my bed. Post-X2. This is my first fic, so yeah...dunno what else to say.

"What's wrong?"


"John, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine..."

"You think I'd believe that? Dude, if you're going to try lie to me, you need to do a better job. Now tell me, what is wrong?"

"Why do you even care?"

"John. Tell. Me. Now."

"You really want to know?"

"Would I have asked if I didn't?"

John barely whispered "I...I don't even know why you even bother with me."

"Come here."

Bobby led John into a room away from everyone else and shut the door so the other people wouldn't walk in on them. He knew

John was hard enough to open up, but he would never open up if the door had so much as a crack. He returned and stood next to the other boy, then put his arm around him.

"John, look at that tree there. What's good about it?"


"What's good about that tree?"

"I dunno...its...tall. Its green, which means its healthy. Its old."

"Why is that good?"

"It means its survived. Its strong."

"What about the branches that are brown and dead? What about the ones that droop?"

"Battle scars. Further testament to its strength."

"Come, sit down by me. Do you know why you reacted as you did? I hate to bring this up, but you don't know the difference between playing and fighting. All of us here have dealt with siblings, but you’ve never learned to just play around and wrestle without hurting people."

"Its called SURVIVAL Bobby. I..."

"No. There are some things you have to unlearn. Why do you act out the way you do all the time? You want attention. You do things because you want people to pay attention to you, and you don't know how to get it in a good way, so you act out. How do you want people to see you?"

"I...I dunno...I guess as the badass. The strong one. The guy they won't fuck with."

"But is that who you are?"

"I...I don't know..." John tried his hardest to fight back his tears, but he couldn't. It made him feel weak. Maybe Bobby did pay attention...maybe he did actually care. "No, its not."

Bobby's voice sounded, just barely above a whisper.

"What do you want to be?"

"What do I really want to be?" Bobby nodded to John. "I want to be accepted. I...I don't want rejection again."

"Who are you, Johnny?"

"I don't know."

"I've seen who you are, and you are a great guy. You are much smarter than you act. Think about it for a moment; if you saw someone acting like you do, would you even want to talk to them?"

", probably not."

"Then take off the mask, John." Bobby's voice was just a whisper now, but it echoed throughout John's body.


"Yes, you can."

"Bobby, what do you see in me that even makes me worth it?"

"You want to know why I love you?" Bobby paused, then looked straight into John's eyes. "Because you are beautiful."

John fell onto Bobby and started crying against the other boy's body. Bobby's arms moved to him, one across his back, the other cradling his head as he cried.
"John, you are imperfect, yes, but we all are. Even me, and I will be the first to admit that. We will never be perfect, Johnny, but you are amazing. There is so much you hide from everyone, so many things that you won't let them see, John. I hate seeing you do this to yourself. Seeing you hurt like shouldn't be doing this to yourself. Promise me you'll try to relax, to enjoy things. Please, be happy?"

"I'll try. You know as well as anyone that it isn't easy, Drake. Old habits are hard to break."

John was trying to be tough again after completely breaking down. He looked down, but Bobby cupped his face in his hands and lifted him up, peering deep inside him with those beautiful blue eyes. Those same blue eyes he’d fallen for, but never wanted to admit to loving were now gazing at him with a loving intensity he’d never seen before.

"But they can be broken. I'll be here with you every step of the way, but please, don't come down so hard on yourself."

"But I'm a failure."


"I'm broke. I'm not good enough to get the things I want. Hell, I'm studying shit I don't even care about because they don't teach I wanna learn."

"What do you want to do with that?"

"The things I wanna learn? I want to travel, see things. I want to be part of something for once."

"Then do it."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I already told you, Drake. I can't fucking afford it."

"You won't have to worry about it, I promise." Bobby kissed the top of John's head and held him tightly. "I do love you, after all, I wouldn't be worried about you like this if I wasn't."

At this show of genuine kindness, John was speechless and just rested into Bobby's embrace as more tears streamed from his face.

"I love you, Bobby."

Bobby simply squeezed him tightly and held him there.

John woke up with a start and felt the wetness on his pillow. He silently scolded himself for crying again as he stumbled to the kitchen to get something to drink.

He hadn't been able to shake that dream ever since he left Xavier's; the memory of Bobby actually opening up to him haunted him ever since he flew away at the lake. The memory of how things were before she came along and took him away.

John sat at the table and started thinking as he sipped his drink. He couldn't take much more of this and he knew he had to do something about it.

author: dya_nick, title: p, rating: pg, fiction: one-shots

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