Title: Mystery Tour of 1973
Fandom: Life on Mars/Doctor Who
Chapter: 13/16
Characters: Sam, Annie, Ray, Gene, Chris, Test Card Girl, Martha and Nelson
Rating: PG/Green Cortina
Word Count: 1,600ish
Spoilers: Life on Mars 2.08. Slightly for Doctor Who season 3
Disclaimer: As much as I would like to, I don't own these shows. The BBC, Kudos does.
Author's Comment: Okay, I shouldn’t really be writing right now. I finished this chapter today after having it sit on my computer for the past, like, two months. I know, I am so lazy! Grah. Sorry to all those who were reading this once: I know you’ve probably given up on me by now. Anyway, so I finished this today after being knocked unconscious by the metal bar-holder-upperer thing in high jump. Don't ask me how, but when I was jumping my head rammed into it (but I still made the height o.O). So, I’m a little incoherent (I wrote the “vision” section today; you can so tell!) But decided to post it ‘cause I’ve let some people down for too long.
About: The plot (*gasp* PLOT!) thickens as Sam gets contradicting reports from the TCG and the mirror. Martha and Chris are returning from the “insignificant quest to the holy bollocks of letterboxes on a roof”.
Previous Chapters:
Chapter One,
Chapter Two, Chapter Three,
Chapter Four,
Chapter Five,
Chapter Six,
Chapter Seven,
Chapter Eight,
Chapter Nine,
Chapter 10,
Chapter 11,
Chapter 12 Um, yeah. I just sort of compiled them all into here- save there being a flood of posts for each chapter. Just click on the chapter link that you are up to =D
Little girls don't tend to follow men into the gentlemen’s bathroom, do they? )