Another Fanfic Etiquette Question

Feb 22, 2008 08:30

How long after a fic is posted do you consider it acceptable to leave feedback of any sort? Whether it's positive, negative, a mix or both, or even just a quick "loved it"?

I myself think that if it  is positive, there's really no time limit. I love having people read my things months after I've posted them and comment on them then. Positive feedback really only encourages the monster and that is important when it comes to writing.

If it's a quick "loved it" and you don't really have much more to say, I think after a while it maybe isn't necessary but again the positive reinforcement can only encourage.

With concrit and negative feedback in general, I would say there is absolutely a time limit. I just am not sure what it is. I think it probably depends on the author. Is it someone who has written a lot of fic or is this the only thing they have ever written? Is the problem you had isolated to the one fic or does it occur in all their fics? Is it someone who has gotten negative feedback before and responded poorly? I'm not saying that should or would stop a person; it's more a case be prepared for the reactions your comment might engender.

Just curious to hear what others take on this might be. Have a good one, y'all.

fanfic, etiqette

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