Feb 22, 2008 07:58

Title: The Thing About Jensen
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13 ish. I stopped before the really good stuff started.
Length: Only about 1000 words.
Warnings: Slightly cracky. Not really betaed. I've gotten into this bad habit of writing things and then never posting them so I'm hoping to kickstart the posting process for my backlog by just getting something out there.

Notes: Okay, so I totally blame luthic24 for this. If it weren't for him, I would never have read Supernatural fic because the incest thing kind of bothers me. Granted, he'll blame me for the RPS side of it cause if it weren't for me, he never would have read RPS. Or he might just go back to the beginning and blame me for fanfic in general because I'm the one that started us both on it. Whatever. This is his fault, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Feedback: Is the most awesomest thing like ever. Also, as I said, this hasn't been given more than a quick glance over so if you notice an error, please point it out so I can fix it. And feel free to comment whatever you want. If you don't like it, tell me. If I want to get better I need people to give me their honest opinioin.
And without further ado...

The thing about working with Jensen is he's really hot. Like super mega hot. Jared knows this; he's not blind. He figures that he'll have to spend a little time every so often in his trailer with himself and random memories of Jensen to get through working with the guy. Or you know, a lot of time every fricking damn day. Cause the dude is hot. Seriously hot. But that's okay, Jared's worked with hot guys before and he knows where to get the good lube if he's start chafing.

The thing he isn't ready for is Chad calling him panicked after it's officially announced the show's been picked up. It takes a few minutes before Jared can even make sense of what his friend is babbling about.

"Man, I am serious. You can not do a show with that Ackles guy. It's a bad idea." Chad says.

"It's a paying job. Why is that bad again?" Jared asks, laughing.

"You're going to have to sleep with him, you realize that right?"

At this, Jared about falls out of his chair laughing. "What the hell are you talking about, you moron?"

"You're going to have to sleep with him. That's just the way it works." Chad replies.

"Dude, seriously. You need to cut back on the weed or crack or whatever the hell you're doing. Cause you're losing it."

"Jay, man, I mean it. Everyone sleeps with him. He's like the set bike."

"Chad." Jared says, warningly.

"Sorry, man, but it's true." Chad asserts.

"How the hell would you know? Have you ever even met the guy?"

"I … well … no. Not in person. But I know people who know him. And everyone ends up sleeping with him." Chad pauses. "That's what Josh told me."

"Josh? Jackson? From Dawson's? How the hell would he know?"

"Hello! Ackles was on Dawson's the year after I was. You did know that right?" At Jared's silence, Chad groans. "How did you not know that? Did you not Google the man when you found out you were going to be working with him?"

"No, I did not Google him. Unlike some people, I don't feel the need to compulsively stalk my future co-stars on the internet. Although some days I wish I had gotten some warning about you." Jared snaps.

"Whatever man. You seriously can not work with him. If you do, you'll have to have sex with him and you know Sandy won't go for that."

"Dude, I'm not gonna sleep with him."

"How can you not? Have you seen him?" Even over the phone, Jared can hear Chad's eyes bugging out with shock.

"Of course I've seen him, Chad. It's just that again unlike some people, I can keep it in my pants. I can look and not touch."

"That's not allowed!" Comes the piercing cry over the line.

"And why not?" Jared sighs.

"They'll take away you're gay card!"

At this Jared is laughing so hard, he almost drops the phone. "My gay card? Dude I don't even have a gay card. I'm bi. Remember Sandy? You idiot."

"But if you don't sleep with him, they'll take away your bi card too. It's in the contract."

"Chad, this is ridiculous. What contract are you even talking about?"

"Your contract for the show asswipe." Chad replies.

"Okay, okay, give me a minute here." Jared goes to his computer where he happens to have a copy of his contract. "What precisely should I be looking for in this contract?"

"Ummmm….. I think Josh said his was point 69. Funny, huh?"

Flipping though the pages Jared gets to point 69. "Okay, Chad, I'm going to read point 69 to you so listen up. 'As a condition of retaining his employment as well as the freedom to engage in sexual acts with members of either gender, the undersigned does agree to engage in sexual acts with one Jensen Ackles at a date and time to be determined by the undersigned and Mr. Ackles.' Holy fuck! This says I have to sleep with him!"

"Dude I told you. Have you already signed it?"

"Well, no but I was going to. I can't believe my lawyer didn't warn me about this. Or my agent or somebody."

"Everyone knows that's what happens when you work with him. They probably all thought you knew. Hey, maybe Sandy knows too and is okay with it. You did say she seemed really interested in you getting this job. Maybe she gets off on thinking about two guys." Chad theorizes.

"Whatever man. I gotta go. Talk to you later."

The first day on set all Jared can think about is that he has to sleep with Jensen. It's just wrong. There should be flirting and banter and mutual attraction and all that crap before you know you have to sleep with someone. Jared can't even figure any way to approach Jensen to arrange the date and time like the contract says they have to.

Then he walks into costume. Jensen's already there and is sliding out of his clothes before putting on Dean's. As he looks at his costar mostly naked, Jared finally figures it out. "Hey, Jensen? You wanna fuck?" he asks calmly as he starts to remove his own clothing.

Jensen laughs. "I think that's the fastest anyone ever took me up on the contract."

"What can I say? I'm a go-getter." Jared says walking up to Jensen and kissing him.

You see, the thing about working with Jensen is he's really hot. But hey, Jared's kind of shallow so it all works out in the end.

jared/jensen, spn rps

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